Chapter 5

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Over the next few days, the Koopa army started to fill the streets of Mushroom Kingdom. There was no sign of Luigi, whom seemed to have disappeared. The only two that saw his face was Mario and Bowser Jr. And neither of them knew that the other knew. Peach had been a stubborn prisoner, demanding that she would not be treated any differently than her people. Bowser said nothing on the matter, already having his prize - the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Red Comet!" He yelled, while dealing with Peach.

"Yes my king," Mario asked, crossing his arm in front of his chest.

"Show our princess to the dungeons," Bowser answered, pushing Peach forward just a tad.

"Yes your majesty," Mario stated, taking Peach's arm, thankful that his mask hid his blush.

Peach was surprised that a human was working with the Koopas. Why would anyone want to work for them? It didn't make sense. While she did know about what Toadsworth did when she was only 10, she still didn't understand why he did it.

"Why are you here, Red Comet?" She asked, rather gently as he escorted her to the dungeons.

"What do you mean princess?" Mario questioned, in sort of annoyed tone.

"I mean you must be tired for working with King Bowser," Peach answered, with the same sort of tone.

Mario looked at her as he snarled, "My king is my father. He took me in and raised me as his own."

Peach's face softened, instantly reminded of Luigi and how he was taken in by Speckle.

"Yeah, I know how you feel," she said softly.

"How could you know, you live in a castle away from your own subjects," Mario stated. "Do they even know you as a person, princess?"

Peach was hurt by this as she quickly replied, "For your information, my friend and I often went into town together so I could meet with all of them. And each one of them is like my family!"

Mario was surprised by that as he responded, "That's one hell of a friend."

"That's Luigi for you." She told him, softly, worried about her friend in green.

"I know," Mario stated. "I fought him."

Peach perked up instantly as she asked, "Fought him? Did you harm him?"

Mario instantly answered, angry, "Of course I did! I won the fight! That's how you are in this mess in the first place, princess!"

Peach was surprised that he was that angry and so was Mario. While he still couldn't figure out why Luigi would be so gullible into letting him go, he often wondered why Luigi looked so much like him. There were too many questions and not enough answers.

She softly stated, breaking Mario out of his trance, "I'm sorry."

"Falla tiama..." He whispered, loud enough for the princess to hear.

Peach's eyes flew open upon hearing the Toad language. She saw her chance and grabbed Mario rather hard. Mario was about to protest when she had tears in her eyes.

"You were separated from your brother?" She asked, looking at him.

Mario's gaze instantly went soft as he questioned, "You know what falla tiama means?"

Peach nodded as she answered, "Separated brothers."

Mario, whom was now in shock, remembered how much shock Speckle was in before he was killed. But now he knew. Or at least, he was starting to get the picture. 'Oh Grambi's ghost,' Mario thought, 'What have I done?'

He looked at Peach and demanded, "Tell me about Luigi."

Peach was about to refuse when Bowser Jr. came over.

"Hey bro!" He greeted as Mario pushed Peach into a cell and locked it.

"Hey!" Peach protested.

Mario ignored her for the most part as he walked off with Bowser Jr., his head swirling with questions. If Luigi really was his brother, then Luigi must've been his twin. Mario shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his head. No, there was just no way that Luigi was his twin brother. It was all a misunderstanding...right?

"Bro?" Bowser Jr. asked, snapping Mario out of his trance.

"Sorry, deep in thought," Mario answered, looking at him.

"Did the princess do something to you?" Bowser Jr. questioned, looking worried.

"No, nothing like that," Mario insisted.

Bowser Jr. only nodded as he went off. Mario did the same, going straight for Bowser. If anyone would have any answers at all, it would be him.


Bowser was in the library, all alone. He was looking at a book, near the fireplace.

"Father?" Mario asked, entering the library.

The king of the Koopas looked at him and answered, "Yes Mario?"

Mario looked at him, dead in the eye as he questioned, "The night you and Bonita found me. Was I alone?"

Bowser Jr. overheard this as Bowser perked up. He couldn't help but wonder why Mario was asking him that now.

He asked, "Yes, why?"

Mario studied his father and answered, "No reason but I would like the patrol for this evening."

"Be my guest," Bowser stated.

Mario saluted his father as he left. Bowser Jr. watched him leave, with a bad feeling. Bowser did the same, knowing that Mario was bound to find out the truth eventually. 'So Luigi was indeed still alive when I found Mario,' Bowser thought. 'And here I thought he was dead. I should've known that name sounded familiar. But how is he still alive...?'


18 years ago

As the Mushroom Kingdom was on fire, a stork was flying overhead. It was carrying two babies: twin boys. They were Mario and Luigi, respectively. They were headed to the upper world, towards the old country of Italy. While Luigi was asleep, Mario was being playful. He accidentally activated his red fire, the basket catching fire.

Luigi awoke as he cried and the stork had to drop the basket. It fell down to the ground, looking like a red comet. Mario and Luigi landed as the force of the impact knocking out the younger twin. Mario never knew about his twin...and vice versa. As for the family in the upper world, they were devastated that their sons were lost forever.

Their sweet Mario Gregory Manfredi Junior and Luigi James Manfredi.


Wishmaker1028: A twist I knew you guys saw coming! Or maybe not... Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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