Anthem of Kousagi's Spirit

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Eren was running to reach where the Devious Duchess will be standing there or awaiting his presence. As he reached to where he was in a breaking point of facing her off to retrieve the anthem of kousagi's spirit.

"Duchess? Where are you?" Eren called out for her.

"Right here awaiting for your arrival. Seems like your two captains are going to enjoy the show like you are." She said revealing a trapped Levi and Hanji against the wall as Eren gasped.


"So you've come to stop me, eh? I can't imagine why your here Eren when its pointless to even end me here for almost ruling as the new heir of the throne." Duchess said.

"Your not! We've already found the right queen and she's out there with the other's before you abducted me." Eren sneered.

"True. But, for what I really know is that you're risking to say Chibi Chibi's little heart of the soul that belongs inside of her. May I remind you that she is not coming back or neither will Kousagi." Duchess grinned as Eren growled.

"Your lying! I know there is way and it starts by defeating you for good." Eren said.

"Give it your best shot." She said.

Eren stood there not knowing if he can take another pressure against someone he trusted in his heart or either go against the things he had to face from what he'd caused. 

"K...Kousagi." Eren heard the voice of Dr. Shizumi walking over to where they stood.

"Dr. Shizumi?" Eren questioned.

"I hate myself for what i've done to you sweetie." Dr. Shizumi said.

"......" Devious Duchess sent death glares over at the doctor that she knew that he wasn't under control as before.

"Doctor? What do you mean that you didn't mean to do this on purpose?" Eren questioned the doctor as he stare at Eren with a concern look.

"B...Because I was controlled by someone to be force into assisting this kind of problem. I hate to tell you all this, but Kenny made me do this and for what happened so many years ago and that caused Kousagi to have cancer." He said as I stared at him shocked, " After that incident happen, Kenny advise me that the only way for her to live was to give her a sample of some kind of serum. It did helped her but made her breathing due with the cancer she was in; worse. Until this day, I was trying to find a way to break through this and that's when you and the scouts came in. Her life was hard and didn't have much friends; from what i've seen that made her happy was that little girl which she made me happy for my lovable daughter." 

"Now, that your daughter is gone I am here thanks to you. I've been in a shell trying to break out of it and it finally happened! Now I won't have to go back in there ever again!" She cackled as a slight pain flown through her as a voice seemed to come into trance. 

"Let me out! I don't want to be used as a bad person for the world!" A voice that belonged to the young girl Kousagi.

"Kousagi?" Dr. Shizumi and Eren asked.

"N-NO! YOUR BOTH HEARING THINGS! KOUSAGI IS DEAD!" Duchess remarked to them as she held herself firmly and collapsed on her knees.

"Let me out! PLEASE!" Kousagi cried out.

"Kousagi!" Her father yelled and ran over to his daughter that was still inside of the mistress's body.

"Is she in there...alive?" Eren asked.

"Daddy!" Kousagi exclaimed.

"Oh thank goodness your alright, Kousagi." Dr. Shizumi cried happily holding his daughter in a warm grip.

"please....Daddy! You have to get me out of here! I'm...I'm scared!" Kousagi whimpered.

"I...I wish I could....but I don't know how. If only....If only we could go back to the old times we had together." Dr. Shizumi cried as tears of regret pouring down his cheek remembering the times he and his daughter had together until this all happened at the end. The words of 'Daddy' echoes in his head as he stare down at the mistress gripping her hand in his.

 The words of 'Daddy' echoes in his head as he stare down at the mistress gripping her hand in his

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"Daddy..." Duchess said. Eren, Dr. Shizumi, Levi and Hanji gasped.

"K-Kousagi?" Dr.Shizumi replied.

Duchess was taming herself in the form of the way she was before Kousagi until she began to re-contain back to her evil form. 

"UNHAND ME! I AM NOT GOING TO BE PART OF SOME FAMILY REUINION AGAINST THIS TOLERANCE!" Duchess snapped as Levi glared at the mistress who was losing her own mind against all of this nonsense.

'What the hell? She shouldn't even be far gone in that form could she?' He thought.

" must take over her and regain yourself." Eren said.

"SHUT UP! I'M NOT KOUSAGI...Not anymore....don't you see?" Duchess questioned staring up at the ceiling and gripped herself as the dark sign up on her head was lit up as well.

don't you see?" Duchess questioned staring up at the ceiling and gripped herself as the dark sign up on her head was lit up as well

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"NO! I CAN'T FALL AGAINST THIS...but...I do...I do...I do have some people that in trust with me!" Kousagi spoke breaking through Duchess control that the star on her broke to form the sign of 'K' as she screamed in agony before disappearing. The ground began to shake that meant for Rod's presence was arriving closler to the wall and eventually after Duchess's disappearance, Hanji and Levi managed to break free.

"We need to get out of here and this isn't a safe place to be in. Rod is almost here so let's move!" Hanji beckon as she and Levi ran out and Eren was about to until he stopped to see Dr. Shizumi staring at the same spot Duchess had disappeared.

"Kousagi...." Dr. Shizumi whispered.

"Come on! We've got to get out of here." Eren gripped the doctors arm to drag him out of the dark palace that was now disappearing that only a matter of time will come to the end of this from all happening.

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