Chapter 1 - For Star's Sake

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He can't believe that Star honestly left him to go to the Blood Moon Ball with her demon ex-boyfriend, Tom. He just can't trust that guy, not only because he's Star ex, but he's also a demon for God sake! He's from the Underworld, not some rainbow paradise. He can't help but worry about Star, though he also knows that she could take care of herself. However, that's about fighting, this is about dating. That demon doesn't seem like the type of guy who would change easily and would be bad for Star to date again. Besides it's more fun to stay here at home.

He sighed loudly and sunk deeper in his chair, sulking about the fact that Star chose her ex above her friend. He grabbed a handful of nachos to stuff them in his mouth while listening to Mexican music. With a mouthful he held his fingers up, pretending he has a ton of fun.

"I'll have my own Blood Moon Ball in Star's bedroom. Where it's always funnnn..."

He even wore his special black tuxedo for this evening. Now Star's not here, it all feels meaningless. He planned to have a lot of fun without Star, so he could tell her what she missed out. However, in reality it's impossible to have fun without his best friend. He glanced quickly at the Blood Moon, wondering if Star was having fun without him.


He looked back in front of him and grabbed another handful of nachos, stuffing his mouth full with it. He should really stop worrying about Star. It's not like anything could go wrong in at a demon prom... It's not like anything could go wrong, since Star has her wand with her to protect herself. Besides, if Tom really changed for Star, then he could protect her in case some other demon wants to hurt Star... Yeah, these thoughts are totally reassuring to him. Totally.

"Blood moon tonight."

Did Marco hear that right? He looked around, but saw no one standing close to him, yet he heard a voice. He glanced at a portrait of an old sea captain. It couldn't come from him, could it? He quickly glanced at his nachos. Maybe he ate too much from them or they are expired. Or he just felt so lonely without Star that he's hearing things. Well, whatever it might be, he will just shrug it off and continue with chewing his nachos.

"The moon of lovers."

"Okay, now I clearly heard it," Marco thought and was truly weirded out by it as he jumped out of his seat. He looked suspiciously at the sea captain's portrait again. What does it even mean by 'the moon of lovers'? Marco runs his eyes over Tom's bell and the hammer. Could it be some kind of evil spell to trick Star? Something that will make Star love Tom? Or maybe there's some other dark magic going on? Who knows what Tom might be planning. By all means, his gut tells him something will happen and he doesn't want to find out what that would be.

As he looked how the bell's red crescent moon ornament shimmers, he remembered again, it was a demon prom in the Underworld. Not a great place a human should walk around. So he decided to go in a Día de Muertos disguise. Well, he basically just wears a skull with a mustache mask, but that should be enough. At least he hopes that would fool the demons. Once he put the mask on, he gazed at the bell again.

Three full seconds of air in, then a deep breath out. He knows Star wouldn't be happy about this, but his gut tells him to go to Star. He needs to take her away from the ball. As he slowly took the bell and the hammer in his hand, he closed his eyes, rethinking if he was making the right choice. Once his eyes opened, they were full of determination. "This is for Star's sake," he thought as he hit the hammer against the bell.


"Whoa, wait a second. Are you getting angry?"

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