CH2: Our First Dance

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Tom did not want some demon stalker to follow his date. He won't let anyone ruin this dance with Star. When he saw some demon going after her, who was also inches away from grabbing her, he couldn't stand still and do nothing. He grabbed his hand and forcefully pulled the guy with the skull mask towards him, so he would face the mighty half-demon prince. He asked the skull demon with a fierce tone what his business was with Star, trying his hardest to suppress his anger. Just at that moment, the light of the blood moon shines on them, drowning the ballroom in red light.

A gasp could be heard from them. While everyone was staring at them, Tom looked horrified at the red light that dribbles down upon them. The blood moon didn't choose him and Star as he planned and hoped but chose him and this weird demon as his fated partner for eternity. The thought already made him feel sick. He could feel the blood draining from his face. As a reflex, he snatched his hand away as if he was touching something sharp and poisonous.

"I-I can explain this! I mean, it wasn't like I wanted to bother Sta- princess Star. It's because I-"

Marco was so busy with finding excuses to explain this situation without revealing that he's the human friend of Star, that he didn't even notice how Tom snatched his hand away. Besides, it's better to explain this situation before Tom will set him on fire.

"This has to be a mistake," Tom begged as he stared at the ceiling where the moonlight came from. He wished this would a nightmare or some sick joke. However, life appears to love to mock with him. This is no dream or fantasy, this is the reality. He could feel all the eyes on him and his... and this demon. He sighed with a painful look, shoving his pride and sorrow away. He made a slight bow as he held out his hand, which made the demon return a confused look.

"May I have this dance?"


Marco was utterly bewildered that Tom, Star's ex, was asking him to dance instead. Was he not interested in Star anymore? Or did he recognize him and is this some kind of revenge? Like, he plans to humiliate him or feed him to the demons.

Tom was just inches away before snapping in front of everyone. He was not patient enough to wait for another minute. He had no idea what's going through the head of this demon, but if this mustached demon wanted the humiliate him, he's not going to succeed.

"Can you please take my hand already? Everyone is staring you know."

Tom whispered in a threating manner, almost letting his anger control him. He's trying so hard to get on Star's good side, he won't let this skull-face ruin his night. Even though it was almost impossible to remain calm.

Marco noticed everyone was staring at them. It seems like they were really put on the spot. The way Tom spoke to him doesn't seem like that he knows his identity. So that's a relief. Maybe that special drink was working after all. Well, since it doesn't sound like he got any choice, he will accept Tom's hand. It's not like it would hurt him if he will dance with Tom.

Tom sighed out of relief when this demon finally took his hand, it even made him smile slightly. He took the mustached guy's left hand and put it on his right shoulder while putting his right hand on the demon's back, close to the left shoulder blade. Tom clasped their other hands together at chest height and started dancing.

"Hold on, I've never followed in a waltz."

Marco whispered worriedly as he was following Tom's lead. He knew how to dance the waltz, but mostly how to lead. Besides, that still didn't mean he's a great dancer. He mostly likes his own moves if that what he could call it.

"Don't worry, I'm the one leading you. So you will be fine. Just go with the flow."

Tom whispered nonchalantly, lowering his tone slightly. Even though this demon was worried about following him, maybe even worried about stepping on his feet. He appears to be rather timid about his dancing. He's a much better dancer than he gives himself credit for. Tom had to admit, this demon can dance. Not amazingly great like him or maybe not even some other royals who learned how to dance, but... he's at least above average. It must be thanks to his reflexes, with every movement, his body manages to know what to do. He's at least good enough to not make a fool out of himself.

Marco was pleasantly surprised how well he was doing. It must be because of Tom's excellent leading. His body apparently responds automatically to Tom, it's like he's put into some kind of trance. He also can't look away from Tom's eyes, which gives him a weird tingling feeling. Not only that, he can't stop smiling either. Was he enjoying dancing that much or did the drink mess his mind up?

Step by step, turn after turn. They waltzed gracefully on the dancefloor as if they were in their own fairytale. Whenever Tom stood still for a split second, he spins the skull-face around, then continues waltzing. Sometimes he will make the demon lean back, making a delicate dance posture. They keep on dancing till the light vanish.

As the room turned back to their original color and the music stopped, they stared into each other's eyes for a minute long. There was some silence between them, letting the situation sink into to them. They both simultaneously let go and take a step back as they realized they were still having their hands clasped and standing close to each other. Marco rubbed the back of his head while laughing awkwardly.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer."

"Yeah, thanks. You weren't half bad either."

Even though this guy complimented him and he returned the favor, it wasn't like he forgot what happened before the dance. Besides, he will still not accept this providence. He doesn't even know this guy in the first place!

"Anyway, even if you can dance, that doesn't explain your business to Star. Also, don't tell me lies or use excuses."

Tom crossed his arms and looked impatiently at him. He knew that this guy was saying something to him before, but even then it sounded like nonsense. As if this guy could fool him.

"Ah well..."

Marco glanced at Star, feeling uneasy at this position. He can't ask for her help either, so he needs to consider telling the truth or not. Well, it's not like Tom is being a jerk to him like he thought he would be. However, that didn't mean he's on his good side now. It only means that Tom is a good dancer, that's all. He did ask him politely for a dance and complimented him as well, even though he boldly pulled him away from Star. Still, maybe Star's ex-boyfriend deserves the truth. Tom's reaction could prove him right or wrong about being a jerk.

"Okay first, I'm Marco. You know, the guy you met today. So yeah, I first thought you were some huge jerk. I didn't want to risk you hurting Star and I just didn't trust you at all, so I wanted to take her away from you. However-"


As soon Tom heard Marco was going to steal Star away from him, he couldn't listen any longer. When he shouted in a demonic voice out of anger, pillars of red fire burst around the ballroom. Just like his eyes were glowing red, his face turned red as well. While expelling flames from his hands, he approached Marco.

Not only did this human, who karate-chopped his hand and infiltrated the underworld, ruined his night and maybe even his life. He even insulted him! There's no way he will hurt Star. Why else will he try to change himself for her! This guy knows nothing about him, yet he speaks so lowly of him. Even calling him a huge jerk. The nerve. There's no way he can keep his head cool, even if he wants to.

Marco took a few steps back when Tom started his outburst. He didn't even let him finish his explanation! Well, maybe that was also partly his fault, but he was only being honest. Still, Tom didn't have to be this angry about it.

"Oh crap," Marco cursed himself in his mind immediately at the moment that he tripped over his own feet. Tom keep approaching him and the only thing he could do now is scaredly shuffling away.

With a roar, Tom levitates off the ground, expelling now not only flames from his hands but also his feet. Before he could give Marco the punishment he deserves, his whole body suddenly froze. Literally .

Star froze him in a block of ice before he could take any action. She even changed the button on his shirt to read "0 DAYS ANGER FREE". She just couldn't believe Tom really wanted to attack Marco, but then again, it wasn't that surprising either if she thought about it. However, most importantly, she can't believe Marco is here! Even when she told him not to. It certainly didn't make her mood any better.

"Let's go, Marco."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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