Levi x Celebrity Reader (Modern Time) ~ Paparazzi

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{Requested by WafflezYami}

{[Modern Time]}

"Miss (L/N), look over here!"

That one sentence and the sound of camera shutters was all you could hear. Your sight, however, was fixed down so you wouldn't be blinded by the amount of light shining in your face. All you were trying to do was make your way out of a simple grocery store and people were ambushing you, such as interviewers to ask what food you got, camera people to take pictures of you in the hoodie you wore, and even countless fans that wanted your autograph.

Well, you didn't mind the fans much, but the interviewers and camera people were taking over the fans at the moment.

You also knew you shouldn't say a single word. Not even to complain that everyone was much too close for your liking. In today's society, anything you said could come back and hit you in the face like a pile of bricks, so you thought it'd be better to not say anything.

Plus, you wanted to be known as a good role model for the ones that idol you, and using vulgar language just so people would leave you alone wasn't a good way to start out.

Getting back in your car, you ignored the constant camera shutters and questions pouring in even through the closed window near your seat. After turning on the ignition, most got the idea and backed away, while a few were too determined to get something out of you.

Once you were out of the parking lot, you sighed and tried keeping your attention on the road. How have I not snapped under the pressure yet? you thought. I expected to only last a few days of this.

Well, you were wrong. This eventually molded into your schedule and you ended up putting up with the paparazzi for a few years by now.

It's just one more store. You can deal with it through one more visit.

You drove for about fifteen more minutes before pulling up to a small store, about the size of a gas station at least. You parked behind the building so people wouldn't recognize your car and stepped out, pulling your hoodie over your head. You did this as well before entering the grocery store, but thena certain someone had to go recognize you and draw the paparazzi to you.

That certain someone being a typical camera person.

You shook your head quickly to release yourself of the stress you kept overthinking about. Luckily you've been to this store enough to use the back door, since the owner gave you permission to.

The owner of the store admired you. Not the way an interviewer or fan would, but because he thought you were a good enough role model already to him. He'd seen many of your professional interviews on TV and admired how nice, sophisticated, and caring you were to others, even if that meant you had to be nice to the paparazzi that constantly followed you.

As you browsed some of the items around the store, you looked over to see the owner of the store, Rivaille Ackerman.

"Hey Levi." you smiled, using the nickname he told you. Even though Levi never smiled much, you seemed to be the more happy-go-lucky kind that made him smile more than around others.

"It appears you got on yet another magazine today." he said casually as the two of you glanced over to the magazine shelf he had at the front. You sighed in disappointment at the picture.

"Of course they'd put that on there." you said, unimpressed by what the news put on the magazine. "'(F/N) (L/N) Refuses to Talk'. 'When attempted to interview (F/N) in public, she refused to answer any questions'. These people are awful, when will they just realize I have a life too?"

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