Self-Harm Levi x Reader ~ Lying

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{Requested by JessicaKoningen}

Everything seemed to be a normal day. You were doing your usual chores, as ordered by not only your Corporal, but also your crush, Levi. To make it better, you were working with Levi, making you internally grateful.

Except...something wasn't right with him. He seemed...agitated and upset.

"Hey Corporal," You asked once the two of you were done with your chores. Levi looked at you, the cloth that covered his face pulled down. "Has everything been okay lately? You seem a bit, should I say...spaced out."

Levi glanced away before fully turning away. "I'm fine, (L/N)." He stated before leaving. You were confused at first, but decided to brush it off for now and head back with him.

On the way back, you could tell that something was definitely wrong with Levi. He would constantly fidget with his sleeves and yank them down past the bottom of his thumb irritably, clicking his tongue quietly each time his sleeve tried to go up.

"Are you sure you're alright, Corporal?" You asked concernedly. Levi clicked his tongue again and shut his eyes, as if in a bit of pain.

"I've already said I'm fine, (L/N), are you deaf?" He snapped a bit. "Ask that one more time and I'll make sure you don't ask again."

"I-... Yes, sir." You were about to say a retort to him, but decided that was a terrible idea. He'd probably beat my ass to the ground, you thought.

Once the two of you changed and the others had returned from an expedition, it was already time for dinner. You sat down a few seats away from Levi's, where he still seemed to be fidgeting with the sleeves of his jacket.

I really want to ask him what's wrong, you thought, but he did threaten me so I wouldn't ask again, so it's best I don't say anything.

When Levi was given his usual cup of tea, he went to pick it up, but flinched and accidentally dropped the cup. It fell to the floor within milliseconds, crashing and shattering against the wooden floor. Silence filled the room as almost everyone looked at Levi, who was more concerned about the mess he made rather than who was staring at him, including you.

"(L/N), Jaeger, clean this up for me." Levi shut his eyes as if in pain again and left the room, leaving everyone in confusion.

"(F/N), go check on the Captain." Eren told you. "Don't worry, I'll take care of the mess on my own."

"If you say so." You said as you stood up from your chair and headed to Levi's room.

What the hell's been wrong with him? you thought on the way there. Once you got there, you knocked a few times but recieved no response.

"S-Sir, can I come in?" You asked nervously. After no answer again, you hesitantly opened the door, only to jump when you saw a blade fly past you, hitting the wall right next to the door.

"I didn't answer for a godamn reason, you know." Levi spat as he sat on the edge of his bed, hanging his head down as he continued fidgeting with his sleeves.

You looked back at the blade and pulled it out, noticing it was a section of a sword that cadets would use against titans. Looking at it a bit closer, you realized that there were dried stains of blood on the sharp edge, making you shoot your gaze back at Levi. He seemed to have his gaze to where he would be able to see you in his peripheral vision, but he looked as thouj he was being shamed.

"Why is there blood on this?" You asked sternly.

"It's none of your damn business, (L/N)." Levi stated. "Now leave before I regret not hitting you."

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