Prince Levi x Reader ~ Savior

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{Requested by WafflezYami}

"Tch. Another peasant. How many are in this village?"

"A few hundred, at the most."

"Disgusting. They should all be decapitated. All they're doing is wasting space and people's time with their excessive begging."

This was about half of what you heard on a daily basis. It was always the constant complaining of beggers and peasants who were just asking for enough money so they could actually get somewhere in life. Unfortunately, you were one of them, so it was you that had to put up with the complaints and taunting. You weren't even begging like the rest were, you were just leaning against a nearby wall, enjoying what time you had left before the new law set into place.

The law that the town could decapitate those who didn't have the money or family to live anywhere.

"Hey, don't you have somewhere to live?"

You turned your head and looked over to someone who was working at one of the stands outside on the main street. It was an elderly woman, who was around eighty, at the least.

"No, ma'am." you stated casually. Even though your clothes were tathered, you still had the fresh and beautiful look for a girl your age.

"People like you make me sick." the elderly woman commented.

"I apologize for that, ma'am."

"Don't give me that act, I know you're just trying to make me feel bad so I'll give you money!"

"Not really, ma'am. I wasn't even begging in the first place."

The elderly woman still wouldn't believe you. "I can't wait until that law passes so people like you can leave the streets."

The elderly woman kept grumbling incoherent words as she left, and you scowled. "I can't wait until you're gone, either, you old hag." you mumbled under your breath.

It wasn't even your fault you were living like this. You didn't have the money or the family to have anywhere to live, but you couldn't care less about it. You've lived like this all your life, so it was something you grew used to.

But you were feeling like getting this over with so you wouldn't have to deal with all the intolerant people.

You turned your head and glanced around to make sure people weren't shooting daggers at you. Stepping away from where you usually stood, you calmly walked over to the large gates guarding the familiar building, ignoring any weird glances you got from the people around you.

"Halt." one of the guards stopped you, a spear in his grasp. "State you business."

You took a deep breath. "I'm here to be decapitated."

The guard looked at you confusedly. "Have you comitted any crimes?"

"No, but I might as well go before the new law passes so this won't be as torturous."

"Oh. So you've heard about the law too..." the guard sighed before opening the gate. "I'll have someone lead you to the guillotine."

"Thank you."

The guard let you pass and you were greeted by two more guards. "May I request that I speak with the prince for a moment?" you asked calmly.

"No you may not."

You sighed, "It was worth a try."


Levi sighed as he folded his arms. "Why do I have to wear these stupid robes?" he asked his dresser.

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now