Death Fifteen

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 It is nearly a candle later when both Gregoire and Mistress Byerne join him. Lord Jerrath spent the majority of the time gazing upon the images he drew of Desolation.

He loves her, he is sure of it. How love can happen before the turning of the moons' tide, he cannot fathom. He thought love would take moons like experts proclaim. He knows it's love. He does not desire her body, nor her face, nor any physical aspect; nor was it because he found her physical aspects lacking. Dyu's she is certainly attractive. He craved her splendid mind and the feisty tongue hidden beneath a quiet demeanor.

Thinking about her tongue leads him to the memory of kissing, how she unabashedly kissed him with abandon. Even her quiet, shy side has passion. Dyu's how he craves more. His body betrays his love, it is in lust. He reins it in forcing his body to recognize that it wants all of her.

A soft cough breaks him from his reverie. Quickly closing the sketchbook he glances up, Gregoire and Mistress Byerne wait with arms relaxed at their side. He places the book on an old Feyan table, lifts his chin and says, "Before we proceed I need you Mistress Byerne to walk out the door and cover your ears."


"Because I ask you to, who are you to question?"

"My mistake my Lord." Without another word, she places her palms over her ears and steps beyond the void.

"What are we going to do about Desolation's name? How have you been coping with the maids about it?"

"Well Sir, I have not been mentioning Desolation's name, whenever I have to order the maids or Mistress Byerne to care for her I use the word Bride or snap my fingers like I had forgotten what Desolation is called. The maids fill in on their own."

"What will not due. I think we will have to announce Desolation's name to Mistress Byerne and the rest of the staff."

"We cannot keep Desolation's name secret for eternity my Lord."

"I am very much aware Gregoire. I was hoping to avoid unnecessary unpleasantness."

"The staff is used to unpleasantness and they will have to learn just as we have."

"I suppose they will. Bring Mistress Byerne."

Gregoire turns crisply and strides toward the void, returning moments later with Byerne.

"After consideration, Gregoire and I have come to the conclusion you must learn my Bride's name. However, be warned from this moment on you cannot call my Bride anything else."

"What do you mean?" Mistress Byerne askes.

"I mean my Bride is much more cursed than you suppose, we cannot use anything besides her, she, or Bride. If you learn her name you will be forever bound. Are you prepared for that and are your maids prepared as well?"

"I have served you faithfully for centuries, my Lord. If you ask me to learn your Brides name no matter the consequences I shall do so."

"Good my Bride's name is Desolation. Say it."

"Desolation," Mistress Byerne says.

"Now call her as you have always done."

"You mean the M-," she is abruptly cut off and her body convulses. With a gaping mouth, she claws her throat.

"Speak Desolation's name, it is the only way to stop it," he commands.

After a few choking moments, Mistress Byerene is able to gasp "Desolation."

"Pardon my language Sir but in the ofrinas was that?"

"Part of Desolation's curse."

"Excuse me curse?"

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