Chapter 14

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Your POV

"She's regained a whole 10% of her emotions back!" Alex yelled in delight, this surprised everybody, even me since I didn't think I had emotions left. "Wow that's amazing Vivian! I can't wait for all of your emotions to come back!" Jack said seemingly to be happy.

I was still trying to process all this as the doorbell rang. "I'll go get it." Masky said going to the door only for something to apparently attack him. "Aiden! Aiden down boy down!" said the very familiar voice of Sarah.

I got up and carefully removed the helmet and met my friend only to be greeted by Aiden (He's a dragon by the way) chomping on Masky's leg. "I regret my life choices." He groaned out in pain trying to kick the dragon off of him.

I simply took out a dragon treat from the infinite universe called my hoodie pocket and waved it in front of him, the second he smelled the Innuko treat (That's a reference to an anime btw, might have spelled it wrong :P) he got off of Masky and tackled me down. Man I forgot how big he has gotten.

"Hehe sorry about that, are you okay?" Sarah asked helping him get up. "Ow, my leg!" Masky groaned in pain trying to stand on his good leg, Jack went to go get some crutches for him as I tried to calm Aiden down.

Time Skip

After all of that chaos everybody started calming down and just chatting away, while Sarah had talked to Slender about the whole electricity and water thing. "I'm going to go for a walk." i said trying to leave when Toby challenged Aiden to a waffle eating contest.

Jack and Jeff joined me though I didn't understand why, but I didn't mind it. "Man Masky's leg was messed up!" Jeff laughed talking to Jack. Jack chuckled as they started chatting about random things, I looked around actually taking in everything since I don't usually take some time and actually enjoy myself.

However the peace was cut off short when I heard rustling in trees. I at first thought it was a squirrel or something but this creature was far too large and The Rake doesn't travel through trees. I looked around trying to pin point the sound as Jack and Jeff stared at me curiously.

"What are you doing Vivian?" Jeff asked looking around. "Somebody is here right now." I said scanning the trees. Hearing this they both try finding the creature but as soon as I turn around for a split second something jumped behind me as I try landing a punch on it.

I looked behind me to see a red and black demon (NOT Zalgo. Yet) trying to capture me. My eyes widened a little as I saw Jeff and Jack with their weapons ready to kill the damn thing. "JEFF, JACK GET OUT OF HERE AND WARN THE OTHERS I GOT THIS PEICE OF CRAP." I Yelled facing the demon and trying to find a weak point.

Jack's POV

Jeff was about to complain, I could see it in his eyes, but before he could I stopped him by grabbing his hoodie and stopping him. "What the hell man?!" He yelled at me. "We have to get the others in case there's more, Vivian is strong enough to handle this by herself, trust her." I said trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

He reluctantly agreed as we ran back fast as possible. We finally saw the mansion in sight as we started yelling to get their attention. BEN was the first who noticed and asked us what's going on as we filled in the rest of the pastas about what happened.

Your POV

Dammit there's more of them! I tried my best fighting back but for every one I knock out it seems as if 3 more pop out of no where, just when I hit one of them something hit me on the back of the head and I passed out.

Slenderman's POV

Jack had informed me about my dear child Vivian's predicament and I planned to teleport to where she was with all the pastas for back up. As I reached the scene I saw around 30-40 of Zalgo's minions passed out and a group of them carrying an unconscious Vivian.

We all started taking them out one by one and since we had so many  pastas against them. I carried Vivian bridal styled as we teleported back to the mansion. I set her down gently on the couch as Jack went to get some medical supplies for all the wounds on her that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Your POV 

Ugh, my head hurts, where am I? I tried moving a little but that seemed to bring nothing but pain so I tried to open my eyes. "She's waking up!" Someone yelled, he sounded so familiar for some reason.

Jeff's POV (man the amount of POV changes this chapter)

Vivian started moving a little as we all tried getting closer. Her eyes started opening but something was different about her. For one her hair no longer had blue streaks in them only pure black and her eyes seemed less dull than usual.

"Vivian?" I asked unsurely. She looked at me confused before screaming. "W-Who are y-you?! Why do you g-guys all look like m-monsters?!" She Yelled trying to sit up but failing due to her injuries, she wasn't healing fast, and what?!?!

All the pastas looked worried including me. "Y-you're joking r-r-right?!" Toby ticked almost at tears already. "I'll ask again who are you?!" She Yelled looking at all of us. "Jack what's going on?!" I yelled at the doctor in the house.

"S-she has amnesia." He choked out his shoulders trembling. "N-No! I refuse to let this be how it goes! C'mon Vivian you got to remember one of us!" I Yelled looking straight into her eyes. She shocked her head as she quietly said, "please leave me alone, I'm s-scared." Wait. She's scared?!

"Alex get the helmet right now!" I Yelled at the albino. She nodded and ran to her room and came back with the helmet and carefully strapped the helmet on Vivian. "S-she has all of her emotions again!" She Yelled worriedly. 

"W-what's going on?!" Vivian yelled tears going down her face, it was so weird seeing Vivian actually show emotions but it still broke my heart seeing her so scared and vulnerable. What are we going to do?

Yes, yes, yes I understand this is cliche as f*ck but it's so much fun doing stories like this! I don't know why too it's just fun so deal with it >:3

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