Chapter 4-I just want

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"Aye bro you coming out tonight."

"Nah man I'm busy right now."

"Aight handle that pussy."

"Nigga I'm playing the game bitch."

"Yeah ok."

Man I ain't mean to snatch ha up like that but man she pretty as hell. Ima prolly let her go next week just wanna see what's up with her that's finna go check up on ha though I know she prolly scared as fuck. I went in the room and she was standing there with a knife.

"Oh shit."

She came running towards me I moved quickly out the way and came around behind her and wrapped my arms around her arms and waist she started kicking in the air and crying.

"Man you tripping."

""How you got me locked the fuck up in here."

"Look I got you in here cause I like you."

"Ok nigga this ain't beauty ad the fucking beast."

I started chuckling."

"the fuck is funny."


"What you want from me wanna rape me shit do it already and let me go."

"No so you can leave in pain and start snitching."

"Aww so you got a heart."

"Man I just wanna get to know you look Ima leave out just let me know when you wanna talk just bang on the door."


Man this man is crazy as hell why the hell do he want me here. I swear he want something out of me.maybe I should just talk to him he will prolly set me the fuck free. I walked over to the door and bang as hard as I could.i stood back while he opened the door.

"You wanna talk."


"I see you got on my shirt."

"Yeah I couldn't find nothing else."

"Look good."

"Look ok let's talk or what ever."

"Ok attitude come over here sit on my lap."

"Hell no."

"The more you say no the longer your here."

I sat on his lap and I felt weird as hell.

"Look I'm not finna sit on you if you don't take off that fucking hoodie."

" man alright."

He stood up and took off the hoodie when  he took it off he was all buffed up and shit who the fuck he trying to impress.

"Now sit on my lap and lay your head on my chest get comfortable."

"Man you asking for to much to be a fucking kid napper."

"Ok Ima ask you a few questions."

"Ok hurry up."

"Where you going you not in a rush you here."

"Ok come on with the questions."

"Ok so just tell me about your self."

"Well like I told you my name is jasmine my favorite color is pink I work at a clothes boutique , I love food im 19."

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