C h a p t e r - 2

42 2 0

Hello! :) 

This chapter is written by: @narrys_hipsta   Enjoy! xxxxxxxx


I wake up by the annoying sound of my alarm. I quickly turn it off and hop into the shower. The warm water slides down my back. I think about the boy from yesterday.. Where would he be now? Is he ok? I just can't get my thoughts away from him. It was something in his eyes that got my attention. I'm worried about him.. No.. I can't be worried about someone I just 'met'. But somehow I hope I can see him again. 

I wash my hair and put in conditioner. Then I shave my legs and after that I decide that my conditioner has been in my hair long enough so I rinse it out. I wash my body and step out of the shower. I grab a towell and dry myself completely. I wrap it around myself and walk back to my room. I stand in front of my closet, choosing my outfit. I go for a black legging and an oversized sweater that says: 'SWAGGY'. My friend got it for me recently.

I grab a pair of socks, my phone and walk downstairs. My younger sister Amy is sitting on the couch doing something on her Ipad while eating her cereals. 

''Hi.'' I greet her.

''Hey.'' She answers. ''Did you hear those strange sounds last night?'' 

''Yeah I did, it was just a drunk man.. Don't worry.'' I assure her.


I give her a smile and walk to the kitchen. I grab a bowl, milk, and open a new pack of cereal since my sister ate all of the other ones. I fill my bowl with the ingredients and walk back to the living room. I sit on the couch next to my sister. I eat my cereals while I take out my phone.


-D- 'Babe! Should I pick you up at your place at 8?'

Danny has been my best friend since I was 11. We do everything together and I'm really thankful to have such a good friend by my side. I quickly answer saying: 'Yes! xx' 

I check some more social media, and after that I look at the time. 

7:57 AM. I grab my UGGs and put them on my feet. A second later the doorbell rings. I jump up and open the door. Five minutes later we are on our way to school. 

''Danny, shall we watch a movie tonight?'' I ask him.

''Yeah! What movie?'' 

''I don't know.. Ehm.. A romantic one?''

''No! A horror movie'' 


''You're scared of them aren't you?'' He askes me. 

''What? No! They're boring!'' I answer. He starts laughing and punches me softly in my stomach. I laugh too. I see a starbucks a little bit further away and I tell him we're getting a coffee. We enter the coffee shop.

''What would you like?'' A woman asks us. We both order the same and we leave starbucks again.

When we almost reach school I see him. The boy.

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