Prologue: Two Weeks Before

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My father stares at me with an intense, piercing gaze. "You have defied our laws once before."

I gulp and think of the time I... cheated... on my Ascension test by using magic. "Yes, I have." 

"Thus, you must regain the trust and deference of your people. You must first prove your worth. You shall be sent on three missions, each assessing your strength, intelligence, and perseverance. Do you still wish to proceed down this path?"

"Yes," I state firmly. "I have nothing to lose, Father. Everything has been taken from me... my honor, my home, my family... him..." Hot tears, both of longing and of anger, well up in my eyes at the thought of Ban'thar Andonis, the man I had trusted most before he betrayed me and slew my sister, Fimii.

"Then rise, child of Moonsilver, and claim your vengeance." He steps aside, revealing a long hallway with a large chest at the end.

I walk down slowly, my footsteps echoing on the cold stones.

"It is not too late to turn back," a voice rings through the still morning air. I turn around.

"With great power comes great responsibility. There is a price for choosing this path."

"This is the life I want for myself, Father. I shall prove myself a worthy disciple of Kshattrax." Lady Kshattrax, the Cosmic Mother, is said to be the creator and protector of life. She is said to be incarnated in three forms: Kshattrax, the paladin, goddess of truth and balance; Kalista, the huntress, bringer of vengeance and fury; and Diana, the assassin, aspect of the moon. The Cosmic Mother grants those who honor her strength and courage.

My father's expression is almost pained as he waves me back down the hallway.

After what seems like an eternity, I come to the end of the passageway. I kneel and run my fingers over the smooth oak-and-ebony surface of the trunk. 

No turning back, I tell myself. Hesitantly, I open the chest.

It is empty.

"What-" I begin. Then, a column of pink-and-blue flame suddenly bursts to life. I attempt to recoil in horror, but my feet are stuck to the ground.

Strange voices fill my mind. "A challenger, I see?" one whispers to me. "You have come to claim the power of Kaliasta, the Shadow of Vengeance."

"Y-yes," I stammer. The tendrils of flame reach out of the chest and curl around my body. 

"Are you certain that you will take up the role of Dragonsoul Guardian?" another voice asks. 

"YES! Now, shall we get on with it?" I snarl, impatience building in my chest.


The first spirit laughs. "This one is strong."

"Dragonsoul Spirits, heed my call." The words barge out of my mouth before I even realize I am speaking. "I hereby condemn myself to servitude to our Cause." With these words, the tendrils of flame wrapping around me suddenly implode, enveloping me in blinding purple light.

When my vision is restored, I find myself at the end of the hallway, alone. The chest is still open beside me; it seems to have been burned. 

I lift my left hand and gasp in surprise. Tendrils of corruption spread from my wrist, and a tessellating pattern of purple hexagons adorns the arm. My fingers have transformed into claws, and a small orange-and-yellow triangle is embedded in my chest. On my left shoulder is a golden shoulder piece that sends blue energy zigzagging into my flesh. Behind me, I feel a pair of folded wings yearning to be stretched.

"Your first task," my father's familiar voice pierces through the chilly morning air, "is to travel to the kingdom of Earth and help General Thorton battle the demon lord Dezztrathian to restore peace to the planet."

"I shall set out as soon as possible," I say. My voice seems deeper. Older. Wiser.

Father suddenly embraces me. "Be safe, my daughter. Serve well. And also, take this." He hands me an amulet with a silky-blue moonstone. As soon as I touch it, it transforms into a strange weapon made of purple-tinted steel. It is a cross between a spear and an ax; the broad blade curves into a hook-like shape at the bottom, and blue runes glow around the perimeter of the blade. "It's called the Runespear."

"Thank you, Father. I will serve the Moonsilver well. I will bring honor to the Arkaanse." I grip the weapon with my claws, and we begin walking in silence to the huge gateway out of the castle. The halls feel unnaturally quiet, and the air is colder than normal. I shudder as the realization finally hits me. What have I become?

No point complaining about it, Faith. You chose this life.

Outside, I look up in wonder at the other eight planets of the Maelstrom, scattered across the sky: the golden kingdom of Quel'danar, the icy wasteland of Mayannor, the dark dimension of Xula, the waters of Xola, the jungle of Roh, the sky-world of Aether, the barren desert of Neather, and the blue planet of Earth. My eyes rivet on my first destination: the human planet of Earth, filled with fertile grasslands and deep oceans. I wonder if my race, the Arkaanse, will ever claim a planet so beautiful.

I spread my huge dragon's wings and soar a few meters into the air experimentally. Somehow, I instinctively have the feel for my new wings. The provisions and supplies for my journey are comfortably balanced on my back.  I land on the ground, bouncing slightly as I come down agilely on the cobblestones.

"Farewell, Father," I say softly, tears brimming in my eyes. 

"Goodbye. I will miss you. I wish you had not chosen this path, as she did...." My strong, strict father turns away to wipe a tear from his eye.

"I have no choice," I say simply.

I transform the Runespear back to its necklace form, aim myself at Earth, only a short distance from Etherworld, and prepare to take flight. But before I can lift off, my father interrupts me by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Faith? If anyone asks, you're Kaliasta."

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