Once Upon a Time

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I'm not abandoning any of my fics, I planned out and wrote most of the chapters on each of them and thank you for being patient, just on a little hiatus. The latest you'll get a new chapter on any Naruto story is June.

Also had this little bugger stuck in my head and was in the mountains.

As for my new readers joining me...
Hi. Thank you and I hope you enjoy going on this wild journey with me. >.<

True-Pacifist Route
"Sans, wake up and help with the decorations!"

Sans stopped snoring—indicating he was awake— but didn't make a move to get up. Instead, he rolled off the couch into a pile of his own dirty socks. Papyrus squinted his eyes in annoyance but nevertheless smiled.

It had been ten years since Toriel, Asgore, Asriel and Frisk left to live on the surface. Recently, Toriel posted on the Undernet that they were to return to the Underground and it was then that a secret welcome back party was put in place by "The Greatest Party Planner in the Underground," Papyrus.

Papyrus thought it'd be best if the moving family stayed with them until their stuff was properly moved to their underground home. Sans complied—not that he had any word to begin with— and was forced to shove his dirty clothes in his closet.

Still, Sans' cleaning was a work in progress and with so many dirty socks he resorted to sleeping on the couch for the past week, which was really starting to tire Papyrus out.

"Sans, you lazy bum! At least pick up your dirty socks or hide them in your room!" Papyrus urged with a thumbs up and moved to put balloons in front of the door.
As the day of the the party arrived Papyrus worked harder and harder. Sans even started to help too, even if it was only with his magic.

A couple hours before the party, Papyrus had Sans go to the market and get the ingredients for his infamous spaghetti.

Sans also grabbed salsa and some ketchup on his way back but God only knows how those would mix together.

After trial and error and a fairly messy kitchen Sans was left to clean, while a tired Papyrus awaited the guests to arrive.

Undyne and Alphys arrived a couple hours before the party started and along came Temmie, Annoying Dog and Napstablook.

They all helped put up the decorations and as Papyrus was putting up the last spiral, Sans heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" He grinned as he made a shortcut to the living room window.

As soon as he looked out he flicked the lights off and sprang behind the couch.

Papyrus took it as an open invitation to hide and ushered the other monsters to do the same.

Time seemed to stop as the door slowly creaked open.

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