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Early October was when Toriel and Asgore started to plan returning to the Underground.

Unnecessary tension was building between the humans and monsters didn't want to be caught up in the mess. Asriel and Frisk were also growing up fast and when they decided to move out Toriel and Asgore would be left alone with no other company but eachother.

Torie reached out on the Undernet, posting that they were to return and that they needed someplace to stay. Papyrus—of course— was the first to answer her saying that they had space.

Telling Frisk and Asriel was the hardest part as they both really loved the small cottage in the wood they were currently staying at. They were both disappointed to hear the news but Frisk was excited to show Asriel around the Underground and introduce him to her old friends.

Packing their bags, they set out late October and were to arrive the first week of November, right before the snow hit. It was settled that Asriel and Asgore would stay in San's room and Toriel and Frisk would stay in Papyrus's room while the tall skeleton slept on the couch.

After a week of traveling they made it to the house. Frisk caught a minor bug and Toriel hadn't slept for about two days in a row. Altogether the family was tired and longing for a comfy bed to collapse on.

When they arrived Asgore was the first one up the steps of the Skeleton brother's home and found the door to be unlocked.

He creaked it open slowly and before he had a chance to turn around a loud bang ricocheted around him. His eyes widened dramatically and in a hurried panic his legs gave in as he flopped like one of those noodle figures in front of a gas station and slipped down the stairs,  face planting in the grass.

Papyrus was the first to react and sprung up so fast he hit his head on the counter and blacked out.

Sans then shortcutted his way to Papyrus and helped him up. Checking him over for cracks and then nodded in confirmation that his lil bro was ok. There was then a subtle twinkling in his eye that made onlookers shiver.

"I always knew these stairs were up to something..." Sans chuckled and shrugged with a large toothy grin in place.


Toriel was the first in to react and actually woke up enough to start laughing aloud at his horrible pun.

Papyrus swatted Sans' helping hand away in annoyance at his brother's antics and proceeded to help the ignored Asgore up off the floor.

After composing himself, Sans turned to Toriel and gave her his signature dimpled grin, "Where're the kids?"

Toriel, still chuckling motioned behind her. Sans was baffled he hadn't noticed them by now. There was Asriel—who seemed just a couple inches shorter than Papyrus— in a leather jacket and a pair of baggy jeans. It took a little keener eye to notice a sleeping Frisk buried in a bundle of blankets in his arms.

Sans stood there captivated by the handsome young man as he carefully stepped up the stairs and introduced himself.

"Howdy, my name's Asriel. Frisk's told me an awful lot about you, glad to finally meet you." Asriel spoke in a quiet tone, making sure Frisk was still asleep as he managed to give the short skeleton a handshake.

"The first room up the stairs is Papyrus's room, holler if you need anything" Sans gestured, watching as the rest of the family headed upstairs to rest after their long trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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