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My dreams don't get better, despite what Damian might have hoped. Actually, they probably get worse, because for a little while he and my dad are going to share the Batsuit. Not literally, of course. They both have different ones. It's only until Damian works everything out with the Titans. The fact that he's going to be Batman is supposed to be top secret information. I'm not even sure which members of the family know. It might only be Bruce, my dad, and Damian. And, well, me. Yippie.

I'm off again tonight, this time because I have to work tomorrow and I can't show up at a photoshoot all exhausted.

Except that, obviously, I'm not asleep. I was, but a nightmare woke me up and it's about five in the morning so Damian should be getting back soon. I wasn't planning on waiting up for him but I guess I might as well.

When I hear him slide his key into the lock, I float into the kitchen as stealthily as possible. He opens the door, slides it closed carefully in order not to wake me, and when he turns around I jump on him.

I manage to surprise him, which feels like a major accomplishment because Damian's impossible to sneak up on, and I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Good morning," I coo, grinning.

"Morning for you, maybe," he mumbles, leaning back against the door. He reaches up and touches my cheek below my eye. "Have you slept at all?" he asks gently, his brow furrowed with concern.

I roll my eyes at him and shake his hand away. "Yes, I slept. I just woke up, that's all."

"Nightmares?" he asks, and he drops his hands to my waist.

I shrug and pull him into the bedroom after me. "Maybe. Can't remember," I lie. "But come on, you look tired."

"Tt. Not that tired," he says and he tilts my chin up for a kiss.

I giggle against his mouth and slip my hands under his shirt, then tug it over his head. "Jammies, mister," I tell him sternly. "Even Batman needs to sleep."

He glares at me. "I do not wear 'jammies'," he sulks.

I laugh again and I say, "Made ya say jammies."

He sighs, but a smile is pulling at his mouth. "I love you," he says, and it's dumb but that makes me grin and my stomach flutters pleasantly.

"I know," I answer, and when he raises his eyebrows indignantly I add, "Love you, too."

I lie back on the bed and get comfortable while he changes. "I am sorry that I am the cause of your nightmares," he whispers as he wraps an arm around my stomach and pulls me against him.

I squeeze my eyes shut and twist my fingers into the blankets. "It's not your fault," I remind him.

"I know," he says. "I wish there was some way I could do this without upsetting you."

"Damian," I murmur, and I press my hand over his and lace our fingers together. "It's not that I don't want you to be Batman. I think you're going to be a great Batman. It's just… scary."

His arms tighten around me and he squeezes my fingers. He doesn't say anything because there really isn't anything to say. Once he falls asleep and his breath puffs across my shoulder, I roll carefully so that my face is against his chest.

I must have woken him, though, or else he wasn't really asleep, because he adjust his posture so that I can get even closer and he brushes his fingers against my hip, little tired affectionate gestures.

In the morning, I get up without waking Damian up, which is a major accomplishment.

Work's work, but after I finish my dad surprises me by giving me a call and telling me to meet him at our diner, so I have to cancel on Damian and head downtown to meet him.

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