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The whittemore's watched the waves crash from their porch as three different kids played in the shallow waters. Another sitting on the rocks close by reading a rather large book. "C'mon Mieczyslaw! we're gonna build a sand castle!" Lydia pronounced loudly waving her friend over excitedly. Said boy had taken his nose away from the history book he was reading and looked over. "Yeah c'mon S!" Jackson tossed a yell over his shoulder as him and Danny piled sand into another little bucket.
Stiles smiled as he walked over with the book under his armpit. Lydia took it from him before he sat down so he wouldn't ruin it. "Thanks Lyds." Said red head only waved his words off and handed him an orange plastic shovel. "Jock." Stiles smiled nudging the blonde boy's shoulder with his own. Jackson nudged his friend back with a small smile on his face. "Nerd."

Danny sighed quietly at the two and three head jerked up in response. Concern written on all there faces. "What's the matter Danny?" Stiles spoke shuffling over to his side of the castle. Lydia and Jackson crowded on the other side of the Hawaiian boy. "It's no big deal guys," A scoff from Jackson." it's just something my brother said the other day." Stiles and Lydia hummed prompting him to explain as Jackson asked rather rudely, "if it's not a big deal than why is it bothering you?" Danny looked between the blonde and brunette sensing a little bit of déjà vu with the that statement but quickly shook it off. A look of contemplation settled on danny's face as he asked "Do you guys think we'll always be friends?" Jackson huffed out an, "Of course you idiot." before going back to working on the sand castle. Lydia only shrugged her shoulders in response before turning to monitor what Jackson was doing.
Mieczyslaw's face was thoughtful as he hugged his troubled friend. "Maybe." Danny hugged back and just as quietly corrected the lighter brunette of the group "Hopefully." Danny squeezed the boy tighter in thanks before turning round and getting back to work. Jackson dumps the packed sand bucket over as with a grumble. "I'll blame Scott if we don't stay friends forever." Stiles shriveled his head at Jackson his expression guarded but his eyes curious. "What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia Shares a small glance with Danny. "We've noticed for while that he doesn't really like it when you hang out with us Mieczyslaw." Stiles watched as his two other friends agree with Lydia and frowns. "I don't doubt you on that, but he's my friend. I won't abandon him." Stiles mumbles quietly under his breath. "especially not now" Stiles sees the three share a sad look and flaps his arms. "Hey, but u guys know that you'll always always be my best friends right?" Sties looks at them each of them desperately. "No matter what happens." Stiles opens his arms wide to which the other three chuckle before going in and squeezing each other tightly in a group hug.

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