The Big Reveal

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Danny inhaled and exhaled deeply a couple times as Stiles turned around to look at him. "Thank you Danny." Said teenager could only nod numbly. "You might as well sit down for this." Danny allowed Stiles to lead him to the bed and sit him down. Once Stiles had made sure his friend was okay he began mumbling about the necessity of layers, added stress, and wings. Danny's laugh was a little high pitch. "If I wanted a strip tease I would have asked Stilinski!" Stiles quirked a brow at his friend, removing the last of his many layers. "Never in your wildest dreams Danny boy." Once the t-shirt was removed Stiles turned around and undid the belt holding his wings together. Danny awed as he watched the clump of feathers flutter with relief. "Dude, are you an some kind of angel?" Danny squawked jumping to his feet. Stiles turned letting his wings stretch outward. "Half angel. Nephilim if we're going to be technical."
"Like the ones on supernatural? That stuffs real?"
"While that is a nice comparison. You should know that it's not all accurate."
"Whatever man! How the hell have you been hiding those huge ass wings all your life?"
"Mostly layers, but I've never really thought about the logistics of it."
"Okay so what should a freakin angel have to hide from?"
"Regular humans, hunters and other supernatural creatures."
"Come again?"
"Humans have a great fear of the unnatural. I've seem some go crazy and become amateur hunters. They usually die within the first week because of multiple reasons. Hunters are people that have been properly trained to hunt feral supernatural creatures; But it's not just them you have to worry about because for some supernatural creatures it doesn't matter what you are. Prey is prey."
"Okay ummm good to know, so is you're dad supernatural too or?"
"Nope. He's 100% Human."
"What about you're mo-?"
"Mom was a fallen. Not because she fell in love with a human though. That happened afterwards."
"But I thought she died from-"
"It's very hard to kill an angel, but if hunters are anything, they're persistent."
His wings twitched a little during the awkward pause.
"You know you're handling this a lot better than I thought."
Danny shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "I'm really not."

Stiles clapped his hands together loudly. "Alright! so now that I don't have to mind warp you it's time to tell you how Jackson fits into this whole shebang." Stiles gestured around him, his wings expanding outward to emphasize his point.
Danny nodded patting the spot on the bed next to him. "Cool." Stiles smiled and they sat facing towards one another. "Now I'm gonna start from the beginning. The reason I sent Derek away is because this all started with the hale fire incident " Danny's eyebrows drew together to show his confusion. "Yessiree. The hales were mostly werewolves."
"Yep. There were humans in the pack too, as well as other kinds of were!creatures. Mom and I where a part of the pack too." Danny frowned. "Now moving on before this gets too depressing! So far what i've gathered is the fire was originally an arsenal case but someone covered it up. So someone is–or multiple someones are–going a revenge spree. Hence the corresponding deaths. it's just a theory but i'm planning on leaving little hints for my dad to find to help him connect the dots without revealing everything.
Danny hummed. "So he doesn't know about.." He gesture to the extra limbs attached to the other boy's back. "all this?"
Said angel shook his head no. "Mom's been keeping a close eye on him so I'm not so worried about telling him at the moment." Stiles shrugged indifferently.
"Kind of like a guardian angel?" Stiles snapped is fingers. "Exactly like that."
"Does everyone have one?"
"Sadly no, not everyone."
The winged-boy smiled sadly. "Not everyone forms the bond an angel needs to watch over them twenty four-seven." Danny makes another "oh." sound. "But back to the main point. Scott was bit by a crazy alpha before school started and now that i'm thinking about it, Lydia may be supernatural but i'm not sure what exactly. Banshee maybe? Just because of the dead folk I see floating in and out of focus around her like almost everyday." Stiles shook his head, his wings fluttered inward and rested there. "Anyways, I handled said crazy alpha so I would have been the Alpha had I been any type of were!creature, but the spark went to next of kin so Derek's the alpha now. I'll always be a higher rank than he, so I expect Hale be coming around often for advice and such. Anyways–sorry, you know I ramble a lot–Jackson overheard Scott talking about how Derek banned him form seeing Alison because she's an Argent. The Argent are a family of hunters so you can see why it would be a pretty good idea to stay away. That being said, I believe Jackson's going to ask for the bite once he figures out we're Derek lives because he wants the advantages that Scott has. I'm actually going to need you're help persuading him not to get the bite because i'm worried about what shape he's going to take because of how mentally unstable he is right now." Danny chuckles at Stiles hopeful expression. "You're lucky you my friend Mieczyslaw." Stile entire body; wings and all, drooped with relief. "Why are you worried about what shape he'll take though? Won't he just turn into a werewolf like everyone else?" Danny flopped back onto the bed as he asked the question. "Technically no, the shape you take reflects the person you are." Danny turned his eyes away from the ceiling and faced the serious faced boy next to him. "Oh." Danny groaned flopping back on the bed for a moment to out out a sting of stressed out okays'. Said Hawaiian then boy sat up a little, rubbing a hand over his face. "Wow, Okay. So based on what I know about wolves in general he could go straight to wolf. But if there is another creature out there that's– oh I don't know–needier? then we might have a problem." Stiles agreed picking up his discarded clothes and throwing them in the hamper.

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