Multilingual Mischief

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A/N: my love for the show kept me watching but ngl I stopped watching once skittles went to college.. so I have no more interest in continuing this particular fanfiction. Thank you for all the love and support and hopefully y'all enjoyed these last two drafts I've kept hidden haha 🐨🤙🏻

& fyi all my angel babies speak in their native tongue during formal matters.

Thank you and good day 😊

Stiles hummed tapping away at his phone as he listened to the sounds of beacon hills. After a long while without a hint of a supernatural disaster happening in his county the angel boy found himself finally relaxing somewhat. His dad had been snoring for sometime now, but with the moonlight as bright as was was shining into his room Stiles couldn't find it in himself to sleep. With a small huff he got up from his bed and sat in the middle of his floor to meditate.

The angel sighed in relief at the sudden change in the atmosphere around him. His wings being released and glowing their true beauty. Home sweet home.

"Salve iterum dimidium-ling. Publica propono tibi."1) Stiles opened his eyes to find one if the lords standing tall above him.
"Wiesz, dlaczego tu jestem starzec" 2) A second figure pranced forward instantly brightening the half-ling's day.
"Băiatul lui Claudia!" She stopped and squatted in front of him. Her wings falling around her like silk.
"Ai venit să-ți vizitezi lupul?"3

She met his pure white eyes evenly with her own glowing ones and Stiles loved her for it. Only Half-lings eyes glow completely white without the pupils and they're we're very few like him. It took him a very long time to be okay with being a little different from the most angels.

"Tak moja pani." Stiles stated with a curtesy, his wings relaxing at the sound of his favorite lord. "Przyjechałem odwiedzić, jak również sprawdzić proces uzdrawiania wilkołaka Petera Hale'a." Stiled rose his full hight once he was done speaking.
"Bardzo dobrze."1 The elder sighed walking away from the duo. "Mam nadzieję, że tym razem zabierzesz swojego wilka do domu." The two angels smiled at each other, a twinkle mischief in their eyes. Simultaneously taking off into the sky to play amongst the clouds until the sun rose in the morning .

Google translate:😬✌🏻
•Hello again half-ling. State you're propose." 1Latin
•You know why i'm here old man. 2Polish
•Ah Claudia's boy! 3Romanian
•Have you come to visit your wolf?
•Yes my lady. 2Polish
•I've come to visit as well as check the healing process of werewolf Peter Hale. 2Polish
•Very well. Hopefully you take your wolf home with you this time. 1Latin

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