Partie sans titre 6

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Yo babies, well I really have no idea wether somebody gonna read this piece of shit i randomly decided to write even though am under uni's pressure and stress...... it's been now a few months since am attending uni and . UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol what a bad joke, seriously like A VERY VERY BAD JOKE... to be honest, like extremely honest i didn't expect it was such a pain in the ass to fucking attend uni.. it's like a very large place with very large classes but wow what a boring place... I guess I would have had more fun while turning into spaghetti when falling into a black hole .. for real am not even joking anymore! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I DIDN'T SIGN FOR THIS U STUPID BITCHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Am sorry if am a little trash it's 6am and I didn't sleep yet .. I guess now i'll be writing here when i wanna something or some thoughts even though nobody here to read em I guess it's better like this! Since am being a little more paranoid and depressed once again THANKS UNI for making me a zombi with no social life ;) i really like it x))))))

umm so yeah i was working on an essay for french that we'll have to expose in front of the students xD ... i think am already in trouble just thiking about it makes me wanna suicide bitch xD ho wthe fuck am I supposed to talk in front all those niggas u f kidding me right? gosh that teacher , that french teaher can u even all her a teacher SHE IS CHARGED OF TEAHING US FRENCH AND SHE ATUALLY MAKES MAD AND SOOOOO BAD MISTAKES WHILE TALKING FRENCH "quand je vas lire je vas ressenti la joie"  like for GOD's sake madam dafuq is wrong with u xD, poor us people r right to leave and not come back what r they winning from staying here nothing is in its fucking place here everywhere you go the situation is majestically messed up ! 

for real if  u have the opportunity to go xD leave bitch RUN for your life!

anyways our exams are programmed for soon now we'r still on holidays but on next sunday we'll be back to uni am not missing uni neither the "cous" neither the people of that f damned place everythere there is a mess i swear to u xD ok am a lil bit dramatizing but just a little bit like an atome bit !! hehe ;) !! ah yeah I forgot xD it's the new year, well we r laready on 2nd january bu am still on january 1rst in my  mind because i didn't sleep yet xD insomnia !! 

anyways , lol stupid fucks we have to cope with our lives even though we r struggling it's okay to struggle it's not okay to abandon keep going littl eshits u r doing great and by the way just in case you don't know or you are too insecure about yourself or you've been waiting for someone to tell you that a long ago you are beautiful you are funny your booty is on fleek !! ur soul is nice ! be kind spread love for a better world and a better environment sending u kisses and good vibes from my bed xD am really supposed to work actually but it's ok to write a lil bit just a lil bit a proton bit xD sorry am sorry for this 'humour de beauf' and am even more sorry for being that trash .... once uni gets u , u r not responsible of what u say when thinking about it ....

peace little dinosaures <3, Maya.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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