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(Chapter 12)

*Captor POV*

"The dove has been captured take us home" I seen the salmon haired man charge me but he was too late as my cord pulled me through the roof faster than he could react.

"Hahaha Thought you'd win again Leo No Haha" I watched for his reaction as I winked. His face hardened into a evil smirk 😏.  The window I had broken to get in I sealed but the devilish haze over his eyes anyone could see.

"You won't get away with her" He mouthed fading into the shadows. Finally exactly what I wanted a old fashion duel with my brother Poor Leo doesn't know what's coming for him Haha.

The cord pulled me up to a helicopter exactly 17 feet above his house. There the gang stood Octavious.... He was a cage fighter before everyone recognized his past as the hulk and Exiled him from it. Oh you thought Hulk was that gimpy guy in the lab shirt... How wrong you are, they based him off of a geeky kid.
I smiled softly.

"Hey Octo" I said walking over to him with the girl. "So what are we gonna do with this one?" I asked.

Octavious replied in a few grunts and one groan. "Hold her hostage till the Main one gets here" although very few people understand him I do.

"Okay" I said tossing her into the cage. Ther is also Svrcina, She can hit higher notes than that Boy in the movie X-Xmen, Yea Ironic right, She's also a tech whiz.

"Should I make her ears bleed" Svrcina ask with a Smile you can't help but say yes to, This was that one time though I had to turn around and say No.

"Not yet Svrcina we need to keep her alive for a little while and not deaf either" I smiled as I sat down on my seat.

"So Zazzle how's the plan gonna work?" Octavious asks.

"Well as u can see we have the girl his soon to be wife" I did the yuck face 😝 "Any way he will come for her Octavious will be at the front entrance and Svrcina you will be in the middle" I replied. Yes My name is Zazzle weird right. Oh well I just love to come in and take over stories such as this one...........

Our pilot was none other than my brother well my younger one who's about ten, But he is so smart his history teacher told him he could have his class. Of course my little bro played him 70 thousands for it which is pretty good. He got his pilots licence at the age of eight, but he's to short for the drivers test. He is however working on a growth syrum.

So maybe he will be the first 10 year old driver. I giggle at the thought of it.
About a hour later the Helicopter lands at the designated place.

"Octavious Get her cage" I order Every one knows not to mess with me when I give orders. He quickly lifts her one handed and goes inside the mansion. Svrcina follows along With my little brother Jake. I admire the place first for once it was a beautiful historical landmark, Well until I took over. Now its a home for me and my pals. The renter is to scared of me and the others to do any thing to us about the money.

Its a good thing though. The glass windows were painted Mary and Josephs on them even Jesus, my personal favorite is the baby picture of him. The doors are wooden and arched at the top with a wave emblem just above the window, Door knockers sit firmly in the center of it. They had the look of a tiger with its mout agape and it was colored black the handles were a beige color and the walls were stone and made of cinder blocks. it truly was our little castle the roof however looked nothing like a castle it is made from bamboo wood that makes brown arches all the way down its really cool.

I took anothermoment to admire it before I dragged in. The inside was not as pretty though with three twentys and one kid inside its just a big play ground. Almost all the furniture is always knocked over and the mirrors are practically shattered I have into the piece of broken glass looking at the scar crossing my left eye and my short black hair just like my mother I always wear black.

"SHES WAKING UP" Octavious shouts.

Carry Pov*

I open my eyes expecting my sweet Leo to be there but instead I'm greeted by this man with blue eyes and pulsing muscles, odd to say I've never seen blue eyes on a Mexican before. I rattled to the back of the cage I was in........
"WHY THE HECK AM I N A CAGE" I shouted backing away, my voice is thin from the screaming earlier.

The man cocked his head as he called for someone telling me there was more than one.
A woman with long blond hair to her waist looks at me with her almost white eyes.

"Hey, What am I doing here?" I ask pleading for a answer as a kid comes up to the cage, I back into the furthest corner. "Where is Leo? I demand a answer" I said confidently as they all laughed A woman with a short black bob and bangs bends down to me her hazel eyes staring cold into my soul.

"Oh honey that monkey head  is as good as dead" She giggles evily, No No No No No No......

"NO"  I scream. "Why Why Would you take him from me he's the only good thing in my life" I spoke as my wings found their way through my skin.

"Hey hey hey, Calm down" The kid says "He isn't dead yet and he only has to win a game to get you back"

"Jake go walk max" The blue eyes man hands him a leash.

"First off Octavious You aren't my boss secondly the dog went a hour ago, in this case meaning he has one more hour left" the boy stands tall

"So your telling me ifbhe loses a game he loses his life?" I ask and the girls laugh. "What's so funny" I ask

"Well" the white haired one speaks up. "You of course, if he loses the game, he loses his ownership which is half of this castle" she speaks

"Oh so I'm a hostage and your gonna capture my fiancee for a tool?"I ask

The black haired one Nodds. Well this is great just great....... I hug the back of the cage skeptical of them still.

"Wait so how do you all have relations with him?" I asked.

The black hair lady looks at me. "He's our brother sweet heart" She says hugging the little boy

"Then why do you need me?" I asked terrified

"That's enough chit chat now" The strong one said.

"But......" I was interupped

"Shut up!" The white hair one screamed .

I gently touched my ears my medium fingernails coming back with blood. I hug my knees knowing it will be a while before I am saved having mapped the oceans and the places we over passed. I miss him..... I miss the sound of his voice, the sweet summer rain, the way he woke me with breakfast in any way he could...

I miss the way he would tuck my hair behind my ear, as I thought on this I noticed how life would be without him. How dull and abnormal 😑. I remember when I was five. Frolicing around the store with my Dad and mom me in the middle, the beautiful sway of the ocean in the background. Originally I am from Hawaii but when mom died dad moved up to Oklahoma. That's when he got abusive and untrustworthy. I sigh as I am to anxious to sleep the people hobering around me I remember my wings are out and gently tuck them back into my back.

Its gonna be a while here isnt it, I thought to myself as the lights turned off

Thank you guys 4 reading




Luv all wattpadders

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