Prologue <3

386 16 1

What is Love?

Love- … 

it’s just one simple word.

 It doesn’t have an exact meaning but everyone knows the word. 

I wonder why?

 Love is an emotion that we feel which is controlled by our hypothalamus. It is an affection or whatever you call it.

Di ko alam eh.

diba yun yun?

  If everyone knew that, would they still call it love?

 Some even say only if you find that certain person will you find true love.

 I don’t get it. 

Is it because I haven’t felt it?

 Maybe it’s because I have not found that certain person yet that would show me the ways of LOVE. 

I'm curious. I want to know. I want to feel. I want to learn.

The only problem I have left is…… 

how will I find that person?

What is Love?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon