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"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness

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"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Lamentations 3:21-23



I haven't been out of the house all day.

After that whole thing with Hannah McComb and her boyfriend at Burton's yesterday, I found myself just wanting to stay cooped in away from everyone in this town.

I managed to do some cleaning around the house today, since I had no bodies to embalm. Monet helped me by tidying up her room a bit and folding a few clothes.

I also cooked us chili con carne for dinner.

"Here," I hand Monet her hot bowl of chili as she has her eyes glued to the television-set.

The town news is on.


"Look, Gray," Monet says, pointing to the TV.

I sit on the couch and with my bowl of chili in my lap, I look to the television box.

There is news anchor Ruth Thayer in her usual makeup and primped hair, at the desk with her papers right in front of her like always. Yet her face expression is quite somber opposed to the usual coolness and confidence that she exudes every time she reports on the news.

"...Attewater resident Bodhi Matthews was declared dead on arrival to the Minneapolis hospital. Authorities haven't given us his cause of death but his family will not be taking any questions at this time."

I go still.

Bodhi Matthews?

I went to school with a Bodhi Matthews.

Blonde hair and blue eyes come to mind.

I then sit up and plopping my bowl on the coffee table, I grab the remote from the arm of the couch, and I turn the volume up.

"...Attewater residents yesterday had sent him off to nationals as the young swimmer was the first to ever do so in Attewater."

When I had been driving Monet and I back from the store yesterday, I do remember passing a house with a crowd of people in front of it. At first I had thought it was a birthday party or something, until I saw the banner hanging above the porch.


The name had sound familiar, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. The whole town looked to be there with the way the yard was filled with men, women, and children of different shapes and sizes.

I drove by slowly to get a good look of what everyone was doing, but I think I saw him. Bodhi Matthews; blond hair and blue eyes clad in a blue sweat suit standing on the porch.

In high school, I remember his eyes always being sad like he was depressed, and I was pretty sure I was the only one who noticed. It's not like I ever talked to him. He hung out with the athletes and populars, so that automatically meant we didn't cross paths a whole lot. Though I do remember sharing maybe one or two classes with him.

Driving slowly pass the house, and there was Bodhi Matthews standing there on the porch, and I think for a second we might've given each other eye contact. Cuz I shivered and quickly put my focus back onto the road after that.

I didn't think much into it, but was that shiver a foreshadowing?

"You okay, Gracie?"

Monet is looking curiously at me, but frowns a moment later. "It's Bodhi?" She points to the TV.

I nod and standing up, I leave the room.

When I get to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and lean back against it.

Why is this affecting me so much? I didn't know Bodhi Matthews all that well to have this sudden wave of sadness come over me. We never talked, we never hanged out together, we never... we never did anything to establish a sort of relationship between us.

It's sad when a life is loss, but I learned that the hard way when Mom and Dad died in the car accident. I was devastated then and as long as I'm concerned my life changed forever that day.

I didn't know Bodhi Matthews.

I didn't know him at all.

So why am I sad?


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