chapter two

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Mira woke up early the next day in her shared tent with Ursa. Ursa was prepping her westars for the coming battle. She noticed Mira up.

"Morning master Jedi"

Mira stood up and stretched her body

"Morning Lady Wren"

Ursa put her westars down and stood up, looking at her jetpack, she asked

"Your blood line, how far back does it go"

Mira looked at her, no one had asked her that question, as many did not care for her or hated her due to her ancestor.

"Over 4000 years. Why"

Ursa looked at Mira and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I want to know how you got some Mandalorian armour"

Mira looked her in the eyes and answered

"A gift to my great ancestor by Clan Ordo"

Ursa lifted her hand and saw that parts of the armour were missing, for movement and speed.

"Clan Ordo you say. Only one person was given armour by them that wasn't Mando and that was Jedi master Revan"

Mira looked at Ursa and spoke up

"Revan is my ancestor"

Ursa placed her hand in Mira's shoulder and spoke

"then welcome to the club Master Jedi"

Mira placed her hand on Ursa's shoulder and spoke

"Call me Mira"

Ursa removed her hand and picked up her blasters

"Alright, Mira. Let's go and win a fight"

Mira nodded and the two waked out, Hotshot had the men lining up for combat, waiting for the Droid army to show up.

TX-50 had ended a call with TX-51, the plan was to go ahead. He made his way out to his tank and gave the order to advance, the shield generator was online and ready to stop enemy fire. behind, were mobile aa guns. In front of the lines of B1's, marched B2 unit's. tougher and more durable then the B1's, they would take the brunt of the fire if the shield went offline. behind, rolled AAT's and several corporate alliance tanks. making their way forward. In orbit, the battle had taken a turn for the CIS, with several of their Providence class dreadnoughts down and many munificent frigates down, the droid control ships were next. and with the republic gaining the upper hand, more ground forces were being deployed to take back the world. With communications down, the fleet had no idea off the situation that Mira and her forces were in. Master Luminara and her Padawn Barriss had been called to Kashyk. The Admiral of the 602nd Clone Legions fleet gave out new orders, the control ship's were the priority.

On the surface, the droid army was advancing fast. The clones had started to lose ground but the shield was starting to fail. Several rockets were fired from jetpacks. Going through the shield and taking out several droids and tanks. but the number of droids was too much.

Ursa was standing back, taking a call with Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze.

"We need Clan Wren to come and help us assault the capital"

"I understand, but what off our home"

"I'm sure the 602nd Clone Legion can hold, but we need you here now"

"Yes my lady"

Soon, Clan Wren had left. Hotshot walked back to take a call from the capital. The image of Palpatine appeared. He was in black, his skin all wrinkled from Force lightning. He spoke, his voice rough

"Captain Hotshot, the time has come. Execute order sixty six"

Hotshot nodded

"It will be done my lord"

Hotshot singled for some troops to come with him. They advanced on Mira, they aimed their blasters at her. Mira turned around and faced them, confused by what they were doing. Then, they fired, Mira did her best to block them but fell like so many other Jedi across the galaxy. Hotshot then looked at the advancing droid army. Now free of the Jedi's corrupt influence, he could do what was needed to win the fight. before he could give his orders, the droids shut done. the droid army had shut down across the galaxy. The rise of the Empire had begun.

Far From Mandalore, a few hyperspace jumps away on Lothal, Baby Ezra Shan-Bridger started to cry in his cot. His father came in and did his best to calm him down but failed. He then looked at the news.

"And with the Traitorous Jedi out of the way, I will form the first ever, Galactic Empire"

Ezra's father looked at Ezra and then saw the reason why he was crying, Mira was dead, killed by the clone's who severed her. He looked at Ezra and held him close, the coming years were going to be hard. But they would survive because they were Shans, descendant's of Revan, the prodigal knight and dark lord of the Sith, who was a champion of the Mandalorian wars over 4000 years. Mira and he knew something from his birth, he was gifted. And he hoped that the Empire did not use this gift for themselves.

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