Chapter 6: Dorky Thoughts

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Jongwoon was lying on his bed for almost an hour but he couldn't sleep. A lot of things was running on his mind.

Jiyeon called and said that she can't go back right now because of her commitments at work. He didn't hoped for her to come back this year. What pisses him off was, she didn't mention anything about their wedding. She asked how he was, his family and then, she was telling him how busy she would be in the coming days. He waited for her to mention even a single word about their wedding plan but she didn't say a thing.

Yes, he understood it was her dream, but what about him? Jiyeon promised him.

How many times do he have to wait? Why do people kept him waiting?

When Jongwoon was young, he waited for his Dad to come back for his Mom. He knew about the things between his parents. He never met  Andrew Kim, his father. He never had the chance to know him. But he still waited for his return, hoping his parents would reconcile.

Jongwoon's Mom worked hard for him. She stood up as his Mom and Dad. And he knew how hard it was to be a single parent. They're not rich.

So when he finished studying, he tried to reach his goal. He was the head architect of his own architectural firm, KJW Architects. It had been operating for almost half a decade now. His staff consists of his former classmates and newly grad architects.

That's what Jongwoon wanted for his father to see--- his achievements. Their life without him. But Jongwoon grew up waiting, still didn't know if his father was still alive. He tried to find his father when he had the opportunity. He tried to reach out to him. Jongwoon wanted to go to Chicago. He would understand if his father doesn't love his mother anymore.

Before he had the chance to go to Chicago, his Mom told that his father was not living there anymore. He moved to another state, according to his friend. It's impossible to find him in just a short period of time. Until he realized there was no sense looking for his father. If he wanted to see them, he should do it long time ago.

Anyway, he was contented with their life. His Mom was happy with her boyfriend. Bruce Kwon was a businessman, a widower with no children. Jongwoon talked to him and he knew that his intention with his Mom was pure and sincere.

Jiyeon was a different story. But she left him and doesn't even know when she's coming back. He didn't like the feeling of being abandoned just like that. Yes, she left a word with him. But waiting without assurance was ruining their relationship. Jiyeon will call whenever she likes.

It can't be like this. He was her fiance, for crying out loud! They were getting married.

Jongwoon remembered Hyejin's question earlier. She knew about Jiyeon. He tried to stay away from that topic. Hyejin was better than Jiyeon, at least she came back to him even after twelve long years.

Wait? Did he compare Hyejin with Jiyeon?

Jongwoon laughed at what's running on his mind. He used to tease Hyejin back then about them getting married in the future. It's one of the best tease he used to her.

He had known Hyejin since he was nine. They just moved next door when he met her. She was so cute back then. Even though she's missing a tooth, she was so pretty.

Hyejin was his first crush. At the age of nine, he already liked her. She was a pretty little girl with pigtails. Jongwoon loved to see her cheeks getting red when he teased her. He was happy to see her blushing because of anger. That's why when they are in their house, he made sure that he sees her.

He remembered that time when she was playing with her Barbie doll. He ws twelve then. Hyejin accidentally removed the arm because she's trying to fit in the wedding gown. She said, nobody will get married with him and nobody will liked him.

He told her he would marry her when they grew up. Back then, that was he wanted--- to marry Hyejin in the future. That's what kids do. They can easily tell what they didn't understand.

The truth is, he was so sad when they left. He was sad when he knew that her family will migrate to Chicago. Not only he will lost a friend, he will lost a very important person to him.

Hyejin was important to him. At first he was just teasing her, making her angry and cry. After that, she began to be a part of his life and he knew that what he was doing is a part of her life too.

When Hyejin returned, he didn't recognized her. Jongwoon was attracted. who wouldn't? She was a head turner. But when her forehead crumpled while staring at him, he recognized her. Because Hyejin was the only person he knew that even when pouting, still looks pretty. Or maybe it ws his gut feel, or familiarity. He didn't know.

Hyejin had changed a lot. From the girl with pigtails, she grew into a very beautiful woman.

He missed her. He hadn't forgotten about the girl he used to tease and annoy. So when he had a chance, he teased her about their "wedding".

Jongwoon let out a big sigh. It's much better to talk about the wedding like this. Hyejin was better to asked for marriage because at least he gets an answer eventhough it was all a joke.

Why he didn't waited for Hyejin and then asked her to marry him? Anyway, she's the one he really liked to get married when he was young.

He was taken aback again. What the hell was he thinking?


Ohh ohhh... interesting.

Hahaha... Sorry guys. Im kinda bored today so yeah. 

I updated two of my fics in one day.

I hope you enjoy Jongwoon's thoughts. 

Sorry for the typos.


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