Chapter 12: Great Gift

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Hyejin didn't see Jongwoon for a couple of days because he had an out-of-town project. She couldn't understand herself why she misses him. She was irritated to herself because he was always on her mind.

Even the joke from the people around her--- about the "wedding"--- she took it seriously. Uncle Man and Auntie Rose kept teasing her about Jongwoon. Jongwoon teased her more often about it. She was annoyed in front of them, but deep inside her heart, she felt happy.

Hyejin knew that it was all a joke. And she hated herself because she felt that she liked that idea. That Jongwoon would get married with her.

That was ridiculous, of course. He will get married. She won't be staying in this country and will go back to Chicago soon.

But everytime she's with Jongwoon, she forgot that she won't be staying longer. And a part of her wanted to stay for good--- because of Jongwoon.

Hyejin didn't have the right to meddle in his relationship with Jiyeon but she can't help to get mad with her. How can she leave Jongwoon for a long time? Isn't she afraid that somebody would snatch him away from her?

Jongwoon was every woman's dream. Very sweet, caring, kind. Sometimes, when they're together, she felt that he was her boyfriend.

She admired his patience. He's waiting for Jiyeon and eventhough he didn't say anything, she knew that he was struggling in his situation. Hyejin saw the features of Jiyeon in a magazine. She was really beautiful. Hyejin wasn't surprise if she entered the international modelling arena.

Hyejin remembered the last time she talked to Jongwoon before he left. He said goodbye to her, which she thought is not necessary. He even asked what she wanted when he comes back.

"Do you want to come with me to Japan tomorrow?" Jongwoon asked. They were at the backside of his house, sitting on the wooden swing.

Hyejin laughed. "What would I do there?"

"Nothing. I just needed someone to keep me company, or a personal assistant perhaps," he joked.

She pouted. "How dare you! You will take me because you don't have a maid there."

Jongwoon laughed. Then he looked at the sky. "I'm going to miss you, Hyejin."

Hyejin stared at him. Why did he say that? Was there a meaning to it? And why did she feel the tenderness in his voice?

When Jongwoon looked at her, he was already grinning. "No one will get mad at me, no one will tell me 'I hate you, dork!'" He made his voice smaller.

Hyejin laughed out loud. But it marked in her mind the way he said how he will miss her.

Now, she missed his presence. She wanted to be with him. And she hated herself because there's this feeling she can't help but to feel for Jongwoon.

She knew she admired him. And she didn't have the slightest idea why on earth she admired him.

Then maybe, she admired him because she never had a boyfriend like Jongwoon. She felt jealous of Jiyeon because she was lucky to have him. Jiyeon was lucky to have Jongwoon but she was neclecting the man who love her.


"My gift?" Hyejin laid her hand when she welcomed Jongwoon at the door. He just arrived from his out-of-town project.

"Here," he handed her a bunch of paper bags.

Hyejin tooked it happily and let him in. "When did you arrive?" she asked as they sat at the sofa.

"A few minutes ago."

"So... how's Japan?"

"Boring. 'Cause you're not there," Jongwoon grinned after.

It was a joke, she knew. But she didn't take it as one.

"Hmmp! Don't start, dork!" Hyejin said. She started to check out the gifts.

"Hyejin," Jongwoon called.

"Hmmm?" Hyejin looked up. He was looking at her like he really did miss her. "W-why?"

He stared at her for a while. Hyejin thought he would say something. It was written all over his face. But Jongwoon chose to stay silent. He stood up. "I-I should get going. I need to go to work tomorrow."

"O-okay," Hyejin said and also stood up. "You need to take a rest."

She took him to the door. "Uhm, thanks for the gifts."

Jongwoon opened the door but he didn't went out. He suddenly faced her. "Goodnight."


She thought he would head out but her eyes grew wide and her heart thumped like crazy when his face descended on hers, his lips touched hers. Before she closed her eyes, she saw him slowly closing his eyes.

Hyejin felt giddy and her knees turn to jelly. It was a good thing he caught her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

He kissed her gently as if he wanted to taste every part of her lips. She felt both fear and excitement. She was scared of the consequence of what they did and yet her whole being was filled with thrill from that kiss. She responded with equal passion because she knew it was way too impossible not to kiss him back.

Hyejin knew that what she did was wrong. He was already committed to someone. But as of that moment, she doesn't want to think about it. If it was selfishness she had in mind, so be it. She don't care either. All she can think about is the sweetness of the kiss.

They separated for a few minutes, their eyes met, then his lips started to go down once again.

Suddenly, he stopped. Jongwoon slowly stepped back from her. "I-I really should get going." He head out of the door and went straight into his house.

Hyejin stayed at the door, standing. Then it struck her. She wanted to cry. Who she will feel embarassed--- to Jongwoon, to Jiyeon, or to herself?

It was just a kiss. But she was a grown up woman and she knew what will happen if that kiss deepens. Honestly, she didn't know if she could control herself. And it would be very, very unfair to everybody else if they crossed the line.

Hyejin and Jongwoon were just friends, it was very clear to her. But being close to him was a different outcome on her. She can't entertain the feelings toward Jongwoon. He will get married soon.

And she didn't want to be the cause of his and Jiyeon's problem in the future. She don't want to hurt someone's feelings.

Hyejin should stopped the feelings she have for Jongwoon as soon as possible before everything gets worse.


A/N: OMG Their first kiss!!! 

ASDFGHJKL I am squealing while I re-write this one and I wrote it like ages ago.

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