Chapter 15: Her Confession, His Feelings

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"I told you he's getting married," Hyejin corrected Sungmin. They were at the back yard sitting. She told everything what happened to her since she came back to Seoul.

"So, why did he kiss you?" Sungmin asked teasingly.

"He didn't kiss me. It didn't happen because you came out."

"He didn't kiss you?" Sungmin didn't believe her.



Hyejin kept silent.

"Oh, my God!" he squealed. "You kissed!"

"Y-yeah," she admitted. "Once."


"He walked out."

"And you felt bad," he added.

"No!" she answered.

"You will lie to me? I know you, Hyejin."

"Okay," she confessed. "So, I got hurt. So what? It's not as if I'm gonna die or something."

Sungmin looked at her with pity in his eyes. "You love him don't you?"

Again she didn't respond.

"That's the problem." He said exasperately. ""What are you gonna do now?"

"Nothing. What shall I do? He kissed me. That's it. It didn't mean anything to him and to me as well."

"You won't feel hurt if what he did meant nothing to him, Hyejin?"

She didn't respond once again. Her friend was right. She won't feel hurt if the kiss meant nothing to him. But who she's fooling anyway? She's not hurting because of that. She's hurting because Jongwoon was avoiding her for the past days. She's hurting because he love a woman before her.

She love Jongwoon, she realized that already. If she could snatch him away from Jiyeon, she would definitely do it. What if Jongwoon love her? He will leave Jiyeon and Jiyeon's the one who'll get hurt? She came back to Seoul because she almost broke a family. And what if Jongwoon didn't love her? She's still going to get hurt.

Hyejin doesn't want anyone to get hurt, she doesn't want to get hurt either.

"Oh, my God!" Sungmin once again squealed."You love him!"

"It's not important anymore."

"Of course it is! What if he loves you too?"

"Sungmin, let's not make it a big issue. It doesn't matter if he kissed me and I got hurt. Nothing's gonna change. He will get married with Jiyeon. He didn't love me. I'll be going back to Chicago."

"You're so pessimist."

"You always believe in those romance stories," Hyejin was not being pessimist. She just know where she will stand.


From the window of his room, Jongwoon saw Hyejin came out of the back yard while Sungmin was following her.

He felt excited seeing Hyejin up close. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Everytime he laid his eyes on her, it seemed like there was an enchantment that lured him into looking at her, staring at her. He loved watching her movements. He loved hearing her chuckles, her laugh. He loved everything about her.

Am I in love with her?

He couldn't say the answer yet, and it was scaring him that the answer was nothing but love.

Jongwoon felt jealous when he saw her friend personally. Yesterday, Jongwoon's mom told him that she will go to Hyejin's house. He came with her to see Hyejin because he missed her terribly. Even if he tried to avoid her, he still wanted to see her. He went there to see Hyejin, then felt really jealous toward her friend whom she's always talking about. He can't believe there's no such a big deal to her parents if Sungmin sleep beside her. Just by the thought of them sleeping together was making him crazy.

Jongwoon was annoyed that her parents like Sungmin for her. While back then, it was him that they like for Hyejin. He felt irritated right now while watching Hyejin and Sungmin at the back yard. They seemed to be talking about something serious. But Sungmin kept grinning at her.

Oh, he wanted to beat the man. Hyejin seemed troubled and yet he could still grin like that? Where is his consideration toward Hyejin's feelings? If he was with her, he will hug her and comfort her.

The sight of Hyejin being troubled made him worry. The sight of her with that man made him jealous. But if he made a move, a move that would lead him to her, many people would get hurt.

The turn of events made him even more confused.


A/N: Gaahhh! Can I just smack these two?

They both love each other but they were taken aback because of the people surrounding them.

Love is too complicated. Kekeke^^

Sorry for the short chapter. I want to divide it properly because it will end soon.

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