Spring traps pov I was terrified at what I saw, it was like me but more deadly and horrific. It was me from the past but me (hopefully not) in the future. "This is my new friend, Forest Spring Bonnie." The child, the helmet. That's what he wants, but what is he doing besides making his own animatronics. The Spring Bonnie was terrifying.
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"You look a little scared, whys that?" "What did you do to that child?" "I didn't do anything, it was the helmet." What did he mean? "Well I think we've wasted too much time, kill him." The rabbit looked at me and started walking towards me, luckily him talking gave me enough time to get my hands free from the ropes. The rabbit got closer and closer until, BAM! Kicked him as hard as I could in the face. "Bears might be stronger but there awfully stupid to." "Gah! Get him!" I was getting ready for a fight when one of the kids threw a rock at Fred's head. I took this chance to tackle the rabbit, I got him on the ground and started hitting him until the kid had the other kids free. I got up and was about to leave, but I couldn't leave that one kid. So I picked him up and ran, we got out of the forest. "Thanks, who are you?" I looked at the kid who seemed to be the oldest. Then it hit me, five children. "That doesn't matter, I know someone who can help fix this." Ha looked at the other boys, and the girl. "Ok, we'll come."
"Ok guys, before we go in don't freak out." "Why?" "Let's just say there retired." He gave me a confusing look. "You'll understand when we get in." We walked in the door, as usual I was greeted by Mangle but then she gave a very scared look. "Spring trap! I thought we agreed!" "They need help, there staying until Marionette gets back." "What do you need Spring trap?" Did I just hear who I thought I heard? "It's me Spring trap." "Come on, let's go." We went to the living room where everyone was, some people looking at the kids and others looking at the one in my arms. Mari looked up and was shocked. "I thought we agreed." "They need your help." "Ya, we agreed." "Shut up Foxy." "Get them out." "Not until you help them." "Um, what did you agree on?" "He agreed to never let you little brats in, his own word." "Foxy!" "Is it true?" I looked at the little kid. "I'm sorry." He looked at me, he was starting to get sad, about to leave. I gave him the kid with the Spring Bonnie helmet, he and the three kids ran out the door. I tried, for all my years of sins and horror, I tried to help instead of killing( just remember that Spring trap is only possessed by Mike/William). Marionettes pov He broke the promise, but he's right, they do need my help, our help. I got up off the couch. "Ouch!" "Mari you good?" "Just a few pains." I went to the door and opened it. "Go away! Sniff* We don't want your help, you stupid rabbit." "I'm not the rabbit." The little boy looked turned around and looked at me, so I gave him a smile. "Follow me, I know a place inside." "Is it with all those robots?" "No, just me and your friends." "Sniff, ok." I took them inside, and led them up stairs into my old room which I haven't been in yet. I knew Golden Freddy would be inside because he was my room mate, I opened the door and there he was. "Golden Freddy." He saw the children and nodded. "Let me see your friend." The little boy gave me his friend, I laid him on the ground. I looked at his helmet I went remove it but when I touched it, it burned my cloth. "Ouch!" The tip of my finger white mist was coming out, I had to stitch it before it all leaves. I got up and went to the closet and got a needle and black thread, I stitched up the hole and the white mist then entered my body. The kids where at the other side of the room terrified. "It's ok, it won't happen again." They stayed at the other side, not moving. "It's ok, you can trust me." "It's not you where scared of, it's th- I know, it's ok. It only hurts us, the robots." The kids moved closer, the little girl was about to touch it. Her finger grazed the edges, the boys where about to touch it. "Don't touch it boys." They looked up at me, I put a finger over my mouth then pointed to the girl. She was getting very close to the inside of the mouth, I was worried that she would trigger a spring lock but as soon as I worried she stopped, she thought, then took her finger away from the helmet, fascinating.
Well I hope all you people enjoyed this chapter that is definitely longer than usual, I will try to have the next chapter out by The tenth of January. Make sure to read the chapter when it comes out, and if you haven't read the first book make sure to do that. I hope you all enjoyed and bye!