Chapter 6

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Spring traps pov
"So one thing we need to have is all the children in sight at all times." "How do we remove the helmets Mari?" "Spring trap, we do not remove the helmets." What, that makes no sense. How are we supposed to remove the helmets? "They remove the helmets." We looked to the side of the room, the four kids were standing there while we looked at them confused. "We cannot touch the helmets, we will get burned if we do." We were all a little scared at the thought of being burned, well at least I was. "Spring trap, Golden Freddy, Foxy, the children and me will go to the forest, now get ready to leave." I was going to wait outside but Mari called me over before I could walk out the door. "Spring trap, I must tell you something." "Sure, what's up." "Let me see your hands." I showed him my hands. "You see those marks." My hands had a dark melty look to them. "Yah what about it." "You were burnt, how." "I tried removing the helmet from the second kid." "Oh..... I see. We should be leaving now." " yah let's go." We arrived at the forest, there was no sign of the creatures. I felt a hand grab mine, I looked down and saw the girl holding my hand, she was scared. "Hey, it's ok, we'll be fine." I looked back up and at my surroundings, something didn't feel right. We kept walking until we heard a voice call from the shadows. "What a great family reunion, I haven't seen us together in so long." Fred Bear came out of the shadows, still ugly as ever.

"Mari, you look good, and Goldie, oh Goldie the finest of the family

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"Mari, you look good, and Goldie, oh Goldie the finest of the family. Then Spring trap......" "We aren't here for your games Fred Bear, we're here for the kids." "Heheheh, funny as ever Spring trap, but I'm afraid you've already played the game." He got a grim look on his face. "And you lost so long ago. Time to play a new game, just me and you." "I'm not going to play." "You either play or you risk killing all your friends." I thought for a moment and knew I only had one choice, to play the game. "What's the rules." "Simple, get past my minions, no one else can help or they die, you must remove the helmets and you win." "Ok, I'm ready." "Oh I also forgot to mention, no cheating this time." I knew exactly what he was talking about, when I was gifted another life. "This is unfair!" "Oh? Let's see you do it fox." "Don't call me that yo- Foxy, I'll be fine." "Where do we go?" "I thought you were smarter then that Mari, you all stay here." "Right." "Are you ready Spring trap?" "Yes." "Then proceed through here." Fred Bear gestured towards a gloomy, dark and barely visible dirt path. I walked towards it, before I went in I looked back. "Wish me luck." I went on the path and started a new game.

Hey sorry it's been a while, just hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try my best to get the next chapter out ASAP

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