Chapter 9

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Spring traps POV
The match had now started. One clone came out bare hands, fists in front of him. He came up to me and swung with his left arm, I ducked and uppercut him. He fell to the floor, dead. Two more came out, one of the rabbit clones was holding a wooden knife that looked deadly. The one on the right( the one with no weapons)came up to me, I threw a punch with my left arm. He dodged it than hit me in the chest. I fell back a little bit than regained my footing. The clone with the knife went to slash at me, but I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder. I picked up the knife and jabbed the clone now on the ground in the head, green liquid bled out of his head. "Ew, what the hell is that." No response.
$&7:?{*=€|_[_>• POV
I'm in a house, there's a fire place and a door. The door starts to creek open, then a pile of mechanical parts start piling up with blood and organs everywhere. I sit in the centre of all these horrible piles of blood and parts. Then a hand comes out and grabs me by the leg and drags me in a pile. I go to sleep again
Spring traps POV
I grabbed the knife from his head, then went to go finish the other clone off. Two more came out, both holding a knife. I slashed at the left clone, he bled out from his arm, the other clone slashed at me but I just dodged and stabbed him in the side of his chest. I dealed with the last clone when all the sudden tones of clones started come out with all sorts of weapons, time to get messy.

Time skip

I finished taking down I big beefy clone, Foxy, Mari and Goldie all started cheering. "Yah go spring trap!" "Wooo!" "You got this!" I looked at them and gave them a smile, but all the happiness ended when the rabbit jumped from the podium in to the arena. "TIME to fight the RAINING champion..... MEEE!!!!" I could already tell that he wasn't going easy at all

Sorry for the short chapter, just wanna save the fight for the next chapter.

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