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"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, confused.

"I fast tracked last year and took this course. It's really easy-logic mostly."

"Ohh, got it thanks," I chuckle a bit "So, I hope you don't mind me asking but uh why did you switch schools?"

"Your school has better academics and I have to get into university soo yeah" He grinned.

Smart and hot? Where has he been all my life.

"I'm Zion, by the way"

"Zion" I repeated

"Yeah...like lion but with a Z" we both laugh slightly.

"Well nice to meet you Lion with a Z, I'm Bianca...like...uh...nope my name isn't cool like yours so its just Bianca"

"No, you have a nice name, just Bianca"

I chuckle and ask him for his schedule.

We have period 1 & 2 together and lunch 3

The period ends and we walk to the music room (period 2).

As we walk down the halls, side by side, I get multiple people saying "Hey" and multiple people ignoring me because they're too focused on Zion.

I didn't notice until we sat down and I pulled out my phone that it was vibrating like crazy.

"Woahh. Popular much??"

"Ha Ha. Yeah, pretty much" he gives me a 'I was joking wtf. conceded much' look

"I'm kidding!!" he laughs. Cute laugh. Awh my lonely heart.

"Actually, Bianca, do you think I could get your number so we could meet at lunch?"

"Yeah, for sure"

We both put our numbers in each others phones.

He laughs and shows me his phone screen

New Contact:

babe b 😇🔥💋

"that's not what I was expecting from you, 'babe'" I look at my phone and laugh

"Says you, Daddy Z 👅🍆🦁"

Then our teacher walked in "Alright, for those that have had me before, you know I'm pretty chill and for those of you who I haven't taught yet, I'm pretty chill. I want to get to know you guys and I want your fellow peers to get to know you as well so I've created a game in which you pair yourselves up, fill out this questionnaire about your partner by talking to them and tomorrow well go around the class and present them"

Some random kid at the back of the class loudly asked "WAIT HOLD ON THATS ALL WERE DOING FOR THE NEXT HOUR AND 45 MINUTES?"

"Yeah. If you have a problem with that you can leave. It's vocals not Chemistry"

The class emerged in a series of "OOOOOOOOOOOOUS" and laughs

Zion turned to me "So this isn't Chemistry, Partner?" he gestures between the both of us as he got up and got 2 sheets.

I look around the room and spot a few of my guy 'friends'. We're not like best friends or anything but we generally are all in the same friend group that hangs out and goes to parties etc. Some of them aren't the nicest but I mean that's who's popular in our school.

There is this one guy who I've liked since grade 9, his locker is near mine and I've only had one class with him so I haven't actually talked to him that much but he is probably the hottest guy in our school (in my opinion)-well was the hottest; I think Zion may take that title now. I just really hope he doesn't roll with the guys that think they're top shit so they become assholes. Z doesn't seem like that kind of guy?? does he??

babe // zion kuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now