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don't do shit in a fitting room ok


not because it's unsanitary or because it's common courtesy

but rather because you get thrown out.

2 big security guards knock on the fitting room and literally make us leave.

not mad, it was hot

i didn't get the lingerie though which kinda sucks because i was in love with the red one. 

Anyways, its been like a week and we're doing what we normally do

watch netflix, cuddle, eat, maybe make-out...

but this time it was a little different. 

it felt like he was uncomfortable. as if he was hiding something from me. 

and I'm sure you know him, he says what's on his mind and he does as he pleases.

surely, you can understand why im so confused so that's why i asked hi 

"babe, what's wrong?"

"what?" his head turns towards me quickly. he didn't ask in a 'i-didnt-hear-you' kind of way, but rather a 'you-caught-me-but-im-gonna-pretend-you-didnt' kind of way. even though i didn't catch him doing anything. 

his face,

in the least rude way possible, 

looked like a deer caught in the headlights of your car. 

i placed my hand on his knee and i was like "are you okay? what's up babe? talk to me?"

he looked down at my hand, put his over mine -- both of them and looked at me. 

i don't think he's ever looked into my eyes so deeply; it was a really intense look. 

now im scared.

"babe..." his voice drifts off and he coughs, as if he's clearing his throat "i-i mean bianca"

woah. he hasn't called me by my actual name in t i m e 

what is going on?????

my head tilts to the side, my eyebrows crinkle together and i hold in my breath

something's up. and i have a feeling its not good. 

"there's something I've been meaning to tell you" he looks down again 

bro i swear if this bitch doesn't fucking say something and stop prolonging this im gonna slap him and his cute face 


he waits a few more seconds, looks back up at me and nonchalantly says

"i'm cheating on you."

and in that moment i swear my heart stopped

i felt as though i stopped breathing

my mouth opened in awe. 

i no longer blinked, my eyes were getting dry, the only way to make them (i know people hate this word im sorry)  moist again was to cry. 

so thats what i started to do. my eyes began to tear up. 

all i could think of was why? who? when? 

"please dont cry" he begged 

is he for real?

"oh sorry my bad let me wipe away my tears of hurt after my "boyfriend", the one person i love, tells me that he's been cheating on me. my bad" i literally spit in his face. the ass deserves it.

babe // zion kuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now