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I woke up to my alarm. 6:15 A.M, how lovely. I'm so warm and cozy-that's weird normally i'm cold and uncomfortable. Of course I forgot what situation I was in before I remembered the events from the previous night.

After, whatever that was last night, we both fell asleep on the couch watching old episodes of How I Met Your Mother.

So that explains the arm wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes, Zion's behind me with his right arm draped around my waist.

I wouldn't mind waking up to Zion everyday, to be completely honest.


Remember how I said Canadian winters are crazy?
Like any other teenager, I checked my phone only to see dozens of texts - all saying how it's another snow day? I checked the school board's website and that snow day carried on through Tuesday.

I tried to get up and make something for breakfast but I was pulled back down onto the couch. Zion nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped around my torso,
"Morning, beautiful," his raspy voice softly spoke as he gently kissed my neck.

I'm talking a hella sexy, raspy, morning voice.

Literal heaven.

I turned around as gracefully as I could, "Morning, beautiful," I playfully mocked him as I kissed the tip of his nose.
"You're so cute, even in the morning"
"Oh trust me, you're extremely hot in the morning too"
He quickly moved so he was sitting instead of lying down.
"You think I'm hot" he smirked as he raised his eyebrows repeatedly.
"No, I think you're horrifying. I cant even look at you" I turned my face away, just to be dramatic, but was instantly brought back to the sight of a pouty-face Zion.
"You hurt my feelings." he said jokingly, sounding like a child.
I then got up and straddled him, facing him just to do this:
"Awww, I'm sorry, baby, what can I do to make it up to you?"
"Hmmmmm...lemme think about it" he made a face that actually made me believe he was thinking.

I waited a solid minute before he started making kissing noises and puckering his lips.
"You wanna kiss?" he nods his head. I leaned in, slowly, inching towards him. My hands moving from the back of his neck to cup his face. Right before his lips touched mine I placed my finger on his lips and moved my face away from his.
"Later. I have morning breath."
His jaw dropped.
"You. You are a tease..."
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
"I mean, I guess it's not a good idea to do anything before school-that's allllll you'll be thinking about the whole day"
"Ok true, but school's cancelled. Snow day numba 2"
"You're kidding"
I shook my head and handed him my phone
"Take a look for yourself"
He scrolled for 10 seconds before looking back up at me.
"Hmmm, so you're telling me we have a whole day to ourselves? With no one here? Snowed in?"
His face inching towards mine. I got up and started walking towards the stairs.
"Ya, I guess that's right? We can watch movies, play video games, or d-"
"make-out endlessly?" he cut me off as I grabbed onto the railing. He looked over his shoulder towards the staircase. His beautiful eyes giving me a pleading look.
"eh, ya i guess...if you want" I started to climb the stairs.
"ARE WE SKIPPING THAT STAGE AND HEADING FOR THE BEDROOM ALREADY OOOOOOO" he jumped up and ran after me, walking up the stairs with me.

I laughed as I turned around and placed my index finger on his chest, stopping him from moving

"You wish bud"

"'bud'" he quoted me, "that hurt," as he touched his heart. "You keep hurting me, bud, now that's 2 things you gotta make up for!!"

I don't even need to tell you how cute Zion is. I mean look at him. Wait. Scratch that.

He is not cute.

babe // zion kuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now