Strange Man Part 2

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The horrid sound of wood loudly being dragged along the floor caused me to jolt up from my warm bed, my head snapped to the window beside my writing desk, Rookie was already leaning against the window frame looking out the glass and into the garden with her tail in-between her legs, getting out of my bed I quietly creeped to the window and looked out into the darkness, squinting my eyes. Walking over to my writing desk I grabbed a candle and lit it before grabbing a small coat and headed outside, the coldness brushed against my face and legs as I slowly walked across the grass, Rookie rushed past me causing me to jump "Rookie! Rookie come back!" I yelped as I watched her vanished into the darkness, with my heart racing I got closer to the shed. A sharp brush of wind blew by causing a rather loud banging nose to rupture, guiding the light to the shed I noticed the door was wide open and was occasionally banging into the wall due to the wind.

It was meant to be locked...

Slightly sweating I took a deep breath as I took a single step but froze when a groaning nose arose from the gloomy room, it almost sounded like a ghost, but it was more like a man; a hurt man, a hurt man who had broken into my shed, carefully poking my candle into the room I let out a rather loud scream when Rookie jumped out at me wagging her tail, holding my chest I felt my heart attempt to leave my chest as I tried to calm myself down with deep breaths, the groaning arose again but this time it was more pained. "H- hello?" my voice was a nervous whisper before I bravely walked into the haunting room, my foot collided with something causing the man to groan again which made me nearly drop the candle, after fumbling it around in my hand I sighed with relief as I managed to keep it in my hand, pointing it at the thing I had kicked; a rather built up man sat slumped against the wall, he seemed to have stumbled over the stool. Examining him further I noticed that he didn't look anything like the blighters that I've seen around town: his clothing was rather fancy, a brown long leather jacket and green waits coat with a dress shirt, his face was covered by his hood that was attached to one of the waits coats under his jacket, I would say he looked harmless but he was far from it: he had a fairly large knife in his hand, thick golden knuckle busters around his left hand and a gun holstered on his belt. He could be a Blighter, or a Rook.

Carefully placing the candle down on the bench, I kneeled in front of him trying my best to not disturb him. With a closer look I could see that his breathing was rugged and uneven, with each exhale I could hear the hoarseness in his throat as if he was hurt. My hand began to quiver as I reached out and grabbed the knife, shaking it a bit to removed it from his iron grip, a short time after his grip loosened and I threw it across the room and away from him; I repeated this action with the gun and knuckle busters, glancing at his right arm I noticed a brace that had a small glass container attached to the top of it, the glass was broken but I was more worried about the small knife that was hidden inside the brace, unbuckling it I threw it along with the other weapons. He groaned again making my blood turn cold, even without his weapons the man still looked intimidating.

Narrowing my eyes in curiosity, I reached out and carefully pulled his hood up and lousy sat it on the top of his head. I seemed so mesmerized by what I saw: he had a very chiseled jawline that was roughly covered with a brown stubble which grew into a mutton chop, his right cheek had a small cut as well as his left eyebrow, his hair was a dark chestnut brown and it had been styled to be combed back, it looked almost silk like, but small strands were sticking to his forehead due to a large number of sweat beads that hung onto his face whilst his eyes were tightly shut. For a man who broke into my work shed, carrying weapons and slumped on the floor, he looked rather handsome. Pinching one of the strands of hair that was hanging down his face, I cautiously slipped it back in place. Something bad must of happened to him, pinching one of his eyes I slowly opened it and I recognized straight away that something was wrong: his eye had a yellow hue around them while his iris was shaking rather violently as if he was on a strong drug, whatever it was it didn't look like he took it willingly.

Strange Man (Jacob Frye x Reader) (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now