Strange Man Part 4 (End)

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Moring came around so quickly. Waking up wasn't much of a problem as your wake-up call was slobbery kisses and licks, mainly it was Rookies barks that woke me up. She was playfully jumping about on my bed, spinning around on the spot before jumping at my face again for more kisses, "I'm up girl," I tiredly yawned as I sat myself up, pushing her slightly off me. "(Name) can you keep that dog quite please!"

"Sorry!" I yelled, sighing through my nose whilst looking back at the fluffed-up mutt before me; her left ear was flipped up while her tong was hanging out the crook of her smile, wide eyes of joy as she stared at me. I was confused as of why she looked and behaved so happy in the morning, the longer I looked at her the more her tail wagged back and forth. The it dawned on me...


Throwing my blanket out of the air, I flung myself out of the bed and down the stairs; making such a loud ruckus on the way down, in my rush I slipped on the last step landing on the wooden floor "(Name) are you alright?" My father called down to me,

"YES! Don't get out of bed! I'm fine!" I replied, Rookie shot past me and slipped her way through the small crack of the backdoor, getting up with pained growls I changed corse quickly to get a glass of water from the kitchen, I then got back on track and swung the door open and hurried down the garden, on my tip toes through the mud "should off gotten my shoes!" I whined to as my nose crimpled up as mud found its way in between my toes, reaching the safety of my shed, I slowed myself down and quietly crept into the room. The man was still there: lying down on his chest slightly hugging the pillow whilst the blanket was tangled up in his legs. Before I could do anything, Rookie bounded over to him, plunging herself onto him, licking every part of his head causing me to panic, "Rookie no!" but she continued, the man began to stir which encouraged Rookie to get more playful.

He started to swat his hand at the dog with sleepy groans, "Evie go away," he pushed at Rookies nose, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Rookie dived at his face before being shoved back again, resorting to jumping onto his back with all her weight, this action winded him making him jolt up; twisting around in a quick manner as he looked around the room, eyes slightly closed due to the sleep around the lids, "Bloody hell Evi-" his words quietened down as his eyes began to focus on what was in front of him, blinking and rubbing his eyes he looked back at Rookie whilst squinting his eyes, now realizing that it wasn't whoever he thought it was. Sitting on his lap, panting with joy Rookie barked at the man, lifting her paws up onto his shoulders and the licking was set in motion. He laughed... and something about his laugh caused goose bumps to form on your skin. He playfully fought back against the dog, this made me laugh, within that second the man looked my way; his gaze made me stiffen, he probably wasn't expecting me to be there, I was happy to see that his eyes were normal; apart from them being slightly bloodshot. I got to finally see his natural eye color, a rather nice brown. It suited him.

"Uh..." I held out the glass of water towards him, looking down at it I saw a small amount of hesitation before he took it from my hand, breaking the silence "You stumbled into my work shed last night," Ii walked over to the stool slightly shooing Rookie off his lap and sat myself down, he quickly gulped the drink down while his eyes followed me as I moved, "You were drowsy from some type of drug," holding the cup on his lap he pondered for a minute, trying to remember what happened. "The explosion..." he mumbled under his breath, "Explosion?" he looked up at me before looking in the direction of his coat rubbing his jaw line, "Sorry uh, thank you for caring for me," he said, avoiding the question he flashed me a small smile, "I couldn't just leave you drugged up in my shed,"

"Drugged up, heh... Evie would kill me if she heard that." Pulling himself up I watched as he attempted to stand on his own, "are you alright sir?"

"Just a bit wobbly thanks," his voice was much clearer now and its tone was softer than the drunken slurs he attempted to create last night. "You were well armed..."

"self-defense," he soon began to pat around his body as if trying to find something, but when he couldn't find it his patting became frantic, "No, no, no! I removed them! Just in case you hurt yourself or attacked!" he stopped in his tracks and looked back at me with a strange look, looked like shock. "I wouldn't attack you, even if I was drugged up!" he almost sounded like he took offence to what I had said, "I'd never hurt a civilian, unless they deserved it or if it was a Blighter," my heart rate calmed down at his response, he wasn't dangerous to me or most people.

"your uh, equipment are up in that cupboard," I said pointing up at it, he nodded with a sigh of relief,

"How did you get drugged in the first place?"

"My dart must off malfunctioned and exploded in my face,"

"dart?" I must have sounded like a parrot,

"It's a tool someone made for me to fight against the Blighters," that surprised me, here I was thinking he could have been one when he was fighting against them, did that mean he was a Rook? Or just a random man trying to do his part. "You alright love? You look slightly shocked," blinking slightly I nodded my head, "Sorry, its just not everyday you hear someone say they fight the blighters, or standing up for themselves," he seemed to radiate a proud and cocky glow, as he made himself sit down rather comfortable on the bench next to him, "Well someone has too."

"Everything alright out there?" I yelped when my father's voice erupted out of the small silence, I jumped out of the stool and at the door, shutting it to the mans confusion "Everything's fine!" I replied before I looked back at the confused man, "If he finds you he'll call the cops," he raised his eyebrows at me showing that he understood my panic. He clapped his hands together before standing himself up with a very unstable wobble, I reached out and held onto him to stop him from falling; he was very tense, probably from the sudden contact. He must of known he was light headed as he held onto me to keep his balance, "Whelp, I guess I'm walking,"

"Your leaving?" he grabbed his coat and boots, taking his time to put them back on. He nodded as he straightens out his coat "Well my sister will have my head,"

"I was going to get a doctor for you," but he just chuckled

"No need, I'm a tough one," he chuckled again which slowly changed to a nervous laugh whilst shaking his head, due to a small rush of light headedness, "are you sure sir? You still look petty pale,"

"Ah sirs are too formal for me,"

"I can't exactly call you anything else, can i?"

"Jacob Frye," he waved at me before reaching up for his weapons and started clipping them back on. Patting Rookie's head he left the shed with me and the dog following, I began to panic as the thought of my father seeing him played in my head. He hopped onto the top of my fence, slowly walking over to him, he carefully shuffled around and faced me, holding one of his hands out towards me, reaching my hand out he held it in his own "Thank you," his words were in a small whisper lie he only wanted me to hear it. Pulling my hand up he gently kissed the back of my hand before letting it go. He smiled with a short wave, he then jumped down the other side of the fence and disappeared...

I stood there speechless for awhile but mostly confused, 'What a strange man...' I thought to myself as I looked at Rookie as she watched the fence whimpering.

Strange Man (Jacob Frye x Reader) (Chapter 1)Where stories live. Discover now