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"Threats won't make me love you again, Rumple." She stood tall. The wind blew about her short dress but she focused on the man before her. Her once True Love. Her husband.

"No. But necessity will." He turned to leave but she stopped him. Again. He slowly turned back around as she spoke.

She gave a light chuckle. "No—you're afraid. You're afraid of me—being your wife. You're afraid of being my husband." Her throat grew sore but she wasn't going to give in. She wasn't going to cry. "You're afraid of...our child."

His breathing looked like he would be angry—if it were someone else he were talking to.  Belle knew the truth. He knew the truth. She was right. But being who he is, he tested her. "Why would I be afraid of that?"

"You're letting me slip away as we speak! Rumple, you say all of this is for me—and I believe that you believe that—but you know this isn't the way. This isn't the way to gain my affection, my love. It's not making me feel protected.

"I get into more trouble because of it! Today was a perfect example. You're afraid that if you allow yourself to love me more than that piece of metal...you'll loose me. That I'll leave. Like Milah left you."

He didn't say anything as he watched her eyes flicker between his own. She was right she was absolutely right.

"You're right, Belle. You always are." The corner of his lips turned up in a pathetic smile. "I do love you, Belle." Then he turned and walked away.

As he disappeared from sight, Belle released the breath she didn't realize she was holding. She placed her hands over her stomach—her stomach which carried her firstborn son. Her husband's second. She prayed, she wished...he would come around. For her sake. For her son's sake. Belle wanted Rumple to be in his life but she did not want the destruction in her family. But she wished so desperately for him to come back. For she did still have love for him.

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