Becoming a Death Eater took its toll on Lucius and Narcissa Mafoy's son, Draco. Will he give in to the darkness, or find a light, bright enough to save him from the Dark Lord?
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- "Looney Lovegood" -
I followed Hermione closely, who seemed to know exactly what she was doing as she marched up to an empty wooden carriage, that mysteriously had no horse pulling it, and clambered onto it with ease.
I watched in amusment as Harry finally communicated with his friends, but starting petting thin air.
"You're not going mad, I see them too. In fact, you're just as sane as I am," a soft, high pitched voice spoke, I hadn't even noticed her. She wore her hogwarts robes that had a royal blue lining, whereas mine had none. The others seemed to have different colours, probably indicating which house each student belonged to.
That was another thing I was apprehensive about, the sorting process. Apparently, you were to stand infront of the eteriety of the school, including all of the proffesors. I shuddered at even the thought of having to take part in such event.
As the carriage turned a sharp corner on the windy, dirt road, the castle-like school came into full view and loomed over the hill it was situated on. The evening sun shone onto the tips of the towers and the turrets, casting an ominous shadow on the lush grass below. I was utterly speechless at the whole scene infront of my wonder-filled eyes. It was definately a halleluja moment.
"Wonderful, isn't it?" The blonde girl admitted, her voice still entrancing, but strange.
"Everyone, this is Looney- Luna Lovegood," Hermione flushed, quickly erasing her cruel mistake. Are all Hogwart students this narcassistic?
An awkward silence hushed out the excited chatter. Despite the rotten nickname, Luna didn't seem at all fazed or offended.
3rd Person
All the houses filed into the magnificent Great Hall, sitting down at their respective tables decorated with the colours of their house. Hazel joined in with the first years stood at the front, waiting anxiously to be differentiated amongst themselves.
All of the new students were called one by one, to sit on the small, three-legged stool and had an ancient looking wizard hat placed on their heads. The Sorting Hat had creases for eyes and a slit for its mouth, as it babbled for a few minutes, deciding the newbie's fate. She found it ever so perculiar, to have a talking hat to announce where you belong.
Each and everyone of the first years looked terrified, I know exactly how you feel, first years, she thought, her stomache turning at just the mere thought of sitting up there, infront of everyone.
"And now for Hogwart's newest fifth year student, Hazel Lahey!" Dumbledore announced, nodding his head kindly towards the newbies direction. Hazel's heart dropped as soon as her name was called and everyone turned to stare at the suprising newcomer.
Somehow, the poor girl managed to drag her reluctant feet up to the front, using her dark hair as a shield, hiding the rouge that has surely spread across her porcelain face. The wonderous wizard places the old ragged thing ontop of her head, immediatly coming to life and already beginning to think.
"Hmm, let's see... not all brains I suppose, no. Though, patient and loyal... brave too. It's all in your head, you know," the hat observed, debating out loud, annoyingly. This just made Hazel even more apprehensive, he didn't take this long on the other students - he just said their house with next to no pondering nor any taunting.
The hat continued, "Oh I know just where to put you... yes. Better be, SLYTHERIN!"
The whole of the Slytherin house, all sat on the fourth long wooden table, errupted into cheers and claps. She suddenly went light-headed, as she stumbled her way down to the table, and sat amongst her new housemates.
Draco sat on edge as he watched Hazel physically squirming on the stool with that rediculous ragged hat ontop of her head. Please be slytherin, please be slytherin, he repeated silently in his head.
When the hat finally made its desicion, Hazel blundered her way over to the Slytherin table, sliding hastily onto the ancient bench.
Whilst everyone was cheering and patting her back in celebration, from just a few centimeters away, she caught Draco's gaze, giving him a small smile.
A/N - so just to clarify the hat basically meant she had qualities of each house : brains (ravenclaw) , patience and loyalty (hufflepuff) , bravery (gryfindor) and obvi slytherin she was put in