CWTC [3]

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Back to Frances' POV

As i was walking outside, i realized that i left my hoodie.

"Aaahhh. Stupid... I even fight for that." I hit myself while repeating those words.

My phone vibrated so i look up to see who's calling. Charlotte.

"Where are you?" She asked worriedly.

"I told you, i'll be there."

"Okay." then i hang up first and walk towards the entrance.

I saw Charlotte sitting alone at the corner of the Starbucks. When she looked at my direction, she waved her hands and told me to go over there.

"What's with your hair?" She asked as soon as i sat down.

"What's what?"

"You never go out with that hair." She played with my long wavy hair.

"I told you, i took care of some stuffs." I swatted her hands. I never liked it when someone is playing with my hair.

"Never mind." She rolled her eyes. "Did you met Ms. Lilian?"


Then someone gave us our orders.

"I'm afraid that you'll tell her that i know the plan." She muttered.

"What plan?! Wait, you're not worried about me, you're worried about yourself?! How rude, you're not my bestfriend!" I started to act like a child and throw tantrums. But yeah, that's normal with me.

She just rolled her eyes. She was about to say something when a bunch of guys came in. It was the guys from the hotel. People started to chatter about them. Girls started to act weird. They really annoy me. Their giggle, their act and everything.

I look at their faces and then a mini flashback popped into my head.

"Now, i just want to ask your opinion. Based on these pictures, which of them will you most likely date, if ever." She asked sounding like a flirty teenager.

"I would probably date this guy." Charlotte said in a high pitched voice pointing at the guy with the blond guy in a beanie.

"Ew. He really looks like a student from middle school." I chuckled. "I would probably pick this." i answered pointing at the brunet guy with a half smile. Oh well, i don't know who am i pointing at.

I snap back into reality. "Wait?! What is all of this?"

"What do you mean what?" Charlotte asked confused.

"What is this for, Ms. Lilian?" then she looked at me and smiled. "Nothing."

And then she piled up the photos and left. Before she was able to walk out.

"The pictures." I whispered to myself. Then i remembered the pictures in the internet. The... what? i forgot what it is.... ugh. Nvm. But they're famous. Really famous. Especially to girls.

"Don't tell me they are planning to..." I said to myself and hit the table with my clenched fist. Oops. I don't think i said it to myself. I said it to the people around me. Ugh. Stupid.

So anyway, i think Ms. Lilian was planning to you know... Introduce me to them and then.. you know, kinda have a fake relationship to publicize. Noooo... I don't want to. But yeah. Maybe i was just stressing myself out. Its not the real plan... maybe?

"Hey Frances." Charlotte said waving her hands in front of my face.

As soon as i snap back to reality, i swat her hands and ask her. "Why would you do that?"

"Are you kidding me? You're not listening to me. I've been talking here since they came in and you just kept staring at them." Charlotte huffed rolling her eyes.

"Look at them. Don't they look familiar?" i asked her.

"Duh. They're famous, who wouldn't know them?" She laughed.

"So it really means, they're staying at that hotel?!" i muttered to myself.

"Wait, tell me the plan that you were just saying on the phone."

She looked at me and said "Remember when she asked us about our 'opinions'?" She made quotation marks on the air. Had a mini flashback. "The pictures." I said.

"Yeah. They were planning to match you with the guy you picked. They already told them about you and they said yes."

"What?!" i almost shouted.

"Yup." she just chuckled.

"They got my favorite hoodie." i pouted.

"You can just buy another one. Its not like its the only one in the world." Charlotte joked.

"That's it! It's a limited edition." i bellowed.

"Oh well, good luck." She smiled and the crossed her arms.

After a few minutes, Ms. Lilian called me. She said that i should go back their, there's an emergency and we really need to go back.

When we got there, she was waiting at the entrance.

"What happened?" We both asked.

"Frances. I was just kidding about the emergency. Anyway, i really need you to do the thing please."

"I'll do anything for you. Anyway, its for your own good." She pleaded.



"What do i need to do?"

"We'll just talk about it later." She smiled.

"How about we talk about it now." i raised my eyebrows.

"To my office." She clapped her hands and head inside.

"My own good. Pffft.. My ass." I muttered following her. Charlotte was just laughing all the way.

So yeah. We discussed about it and we came to conditions that i'm going to do what they want me and it has something to do with the famous guys and in return, she'll do something for me.

"Deal." Yeah. We signed some papers and shook hands.

Its kinda funny. People are really.. Ugh... You wanna know why its for my own good? Some bitches said that i'm a lesbian. I'm not a freaking lesbian. And i don't want to be a lesbian in people's eyes. What's wrong with being single? Rumors are circling around the world so fast and if that was really prove that its true, even thought its not, what will happen to me? Nope, what will happen to Ms. Lilian. Its okay for me to be a normal teenager but for her, it was her source of income. So she can't lose me :) ooohh.. At least i'm important to someone. ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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