Chapter 6

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Mark pov:

YN and I have been watching movies all night since the others left. YN was currently showering and getting ready for bed, I was just sitting in the living room on twitter when all of a sudden my vision changes and all I see is a dark room with, wait is that silver and who is that woman in front of her....

"Ah but that's how we raised you to think! We just put you in rest mode in YN's head and erased all of YN and your memory of you both being demons. Now you are a full demon while YN on the other hand is half demon." the woman said.

"Why just half?" Silver asked.

"Well your guys father was human, your only full demon cause I put you in her head to gain full power of your true self which is being a demon... You haven't even seen half of your true power yet!!! Silver we can rule the world!!!" she was explaining, Silver looked at dark... she knew he was awake and showing me... she looked back to the woman.

"And if I don't..." she snapped at the woman.

"If you don't what?"

"If I don't agree to any of this!!" she yelled.

"Well you don't have a choice!!!" the woman just laughed, "Cause once the full moon raises in 72 hours, you are all in my control!" she laughs again and then leaves the room.

'Dark who was that!!!' I asked still seeing his view.

"Silver who was that?"

"Yn- no... that was our mother..."

"What do you mean?" Dark questioned her....

"Well how she just explained it, we- we are sisters...." she started crying, Dark then cut my vision out...

'Mark don't you fucking say a word to YN about this!!!' Dark yelled at me.

'Yeah okay I won't say a word, stay safe do you need me to send someone?' I asked.


'The only other ones that can most likely help you guys.... Google and The Host.'

'Shit.... Fine...'

'Okay I'll let them know the situation then you send Google your location, tell him in um~ say a few minutes!'


I pulled my phone out and immediately called Google.

G: Yes?

M: Google this is Mark...

G: I am aware of that yes, now what do you what... need me to play in one of your skits again?

M: No Google we actually need Hosts and your help!! Dark and some of the others are captured and we need your help! Will you be able too!!

G: I suppose I just need a location...

'Dark now is a great time to send Google your location...'

G: Locating location......... Location found....... We are on our way to save him..... Again...


"Oh my god.... He just hung up on me without saying goodbye how rude!!!"


"Ahhhhh!" I fell off the couch and all you hear is a thump and then laughter... "hahaha, soooo funny...."

"It really was.... I'm sorry mark!" she was still laughing but started to calm down, "so who was it that you were on the phone with that didn't say bye?"

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