Chapter 11

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YN pov:

I was about to go downstairs till someone stopped me, mark did.

"What?" I asked.

"Google just told us to wait... he's on the other side of the building..." he said.

"What's he doing over there?" I asked.

"I got lost..." Google said in shame, he was behind us.

"It's fine, this place is huge..." I reassured him. He just shook his head in disagreement. "Okay... whatever.. Can we continue on now?" Mark asked. I nodded and continued onward.

While going down the stairs I tried to be quiet as possible. I was also trying to remember the lay out of this floor... Once we got to the bottom it opened up to a decent sized room, with three doors and a hallway on the back wall with more doors.... We all split up and looked around the room to look for clues... I looked around the main room and the others tried the doors in this room saving the hallway for last... the room looked like a small apartment, like someone lived here.... Well that's because someone did.... This was my grandparents living area and where my father grew up and this is where my mom and dad spent most of their time together when they were dating.... This room was just the main living space and the three doors in this room were just the kitchen, dining and bathroom.

"YN do you remember this place at all?" Mark asked.

"This is my grandparents living space... also where my Dad grew up and where he spent most of his time with my Mother..." I answered, "Those should be all the bedrooms and bathrooms... but there was one room I was never aloud to go in..." I added while pointing down the hall.

"Which one were you not aloud to go into?" Google asked.

"The one at the very end..." I said while staring at it... Google just nodded and went for that door first.... When he got to the door it was lock...

"I'm just going to break it-"

"NO! That's to noisy! We have to stay quiet..." I interrupted Google. He just huffed.

"Howre ve goin to get inn?" Doctor asked.

"Easy..." I walked up to the door and took the bobby pin that was in my hair out and started picking the lock...*click* "There!" I said while standing up and looking at the boys, they were staring at me, "What?"

"Where did you learn to do that?" Mark asked he seemed shocked.

"It was the only way for me to get out of my room or house..." I said.... "Anyways.... Let's move on!" I turned around about to open the door.... I touched the knob then a huge gust of wind blew passed me and everything went quiet, I turned around and everyone was gone, "guys?" no answer I turned back to the door to open it but the door was gone... everything was now gone.... I was in a blank space everything was white... then it started to turn grey, till things were forming around me into a room I've never been in before. Once things seemed 'normal' I decided to move around and look around.... It was like a living room yet more like an office space... there was a desk on one side of the room with some papers on it and a large black book.... I looked at some of the notes... they were describing all of mark's egos and sliver and me.... It was hard to read... it looked just like a bunch of scribbles.... I then went to the black book.... It looked familiar, I picked it up, but when I did it felt like I got hit in the head... but that's not all....

"I-I remember...... I remember everything.... Oh my God..." I gasped.

This isn't just any book.... This is Dark's black book of magic and spells and whatever else evil.... I looked around the room some more to try and find a way out... till I looked at the painting... it looked weird... it had people locked up and chained to the floor and walls... I moved closer to the painting it looked like it was moving.

"That can't be right..." I got even closer, and it was in fact moving, the people were moving and they looked really familiar...

"Wait! Silver! Dark!!!" I yelled... they looked around like they could hear me... "Can you all hear me?" they just nodded and seeing their lips moving but I couldn't hear them.... "I can see you guys but I can't hear you.... I'm in a weird room... you guys are in a painting..."

So for this convo.... Its just you and Dark, so Dark is underlined



'Oh Satan you can hear me good! We need help!'

'Obviously! That's what we are trying to do... but I somehow got separated from the others... can you contact Mark?'

'I'll try'

After he said that I looked around the room some more.... There's no way out of this room... "weird..."



'I just spoke with mark... you're with him right now... well your body is...'


'You touched the door and then you just fell over...'


'Right! YN you said you seen a painting and that we are in it correct?'


'But where... I don't see a painting in this room...'

'I don't follow what you are saying?'

'Paintings are like say.... A window!!! Yeah a window... it's just a glass like thing in between us...'


'What angle of me are you seeing right now?'

'Ummm what?'

'Urgh what side of the painting am I on?'

'The right...'

'So that means you're on my left...'

'Okay I see where your going with this!'

'Do you have a flashlight at all?'

I looked around the room and seen nothing.... 'No! But I found something!'


'A match...'

'Try lighting it!' with that I did..... 'YN I see you!'

'Is there anyway I can help you get out of there?'

'Have you tried putting your hand through the painting?'

'No... should I?'

'Yes!' so I tried.....

A/n: So where are you and what is happening? Does your hand go through the painting or does it just feel like a wall? Do you save your friends or make the situation worse? Find out in the next chapter.... - Ashley (963 words)

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