Chapter 17

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Warning read with caution there is a small convo about suicide and there is also a cutting scene I will warn you when both of them happens. Only read it if you want!

Mark's pov:

YN: hey Mark I can't skype anymore tonight. :( sorry. I have some stuff to do and prepare for I'll message you tomorrow morning! X

M: okay! Good luck and have fun with whatever you are doing! Good night talk to you tomorrow morning! X

I slump into the chair and was just so sad. So with it being the day before I message YN all day I always record a ton of videos that with make up for the ones that I wouldn't being making tomorrow. With what happened though the last hour I've been to busy chatting with her. No I'm an hour short of editing and maybe recording another video, but she's worth it! I sat back up straight in the chair and started editing the video I was working on before, but got interrupted.

"Hello Mark!"

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed like a girl and fell out of my chair.

"Urg you think you would get used to this already!" she shook her head but laughed.
"You always catch me off guard, so it's not fair!" I pouted on the floor. "So I see you finally gave them the laptops!" I smiled.

"Yeah well thank you for buying them!" YN mother said.

"So what's up? New rules for this whole computer thing? If anything happens to it I can try and fix it or-"

"Actually Mark! I'm here to tell you that I'm fixing everything!" she said with a sad smile.

"What?" I was confused, fix what?

"Everything that I've done; from erasing all your friends memories to ripping you and YN apart, never letting you see her and only letting you talk one day a year... like what's wrong with me for doing all this... why was I so cruel!!!" she fell to her knees and started crying. I walked up to her and started to calm her down.

"Hey it's alright everyone makes mistakes and it's fine I forgive you and I know YN has! She looks and seems so happy to be with you! Now with my friends.... Even though their memory was wiped they could have supported me and stuck around."

"Mark that's part of the spell. And the magic it was all casted with hate so... look Mark I wanna change everything and that's what we are going to do. Now is there any way you can get Dark here?"

"Uhhh I don't know, but I have an Idea... I don't know if it's going to work." I walked into the kitchen and she followed me and I got a knife.

"Mark what are you doing?" she asked.

Suicide convo.

"Before when I first lost YN I went into a really depressive state and tried too.... Well yeah... you get the picture. Dark felt the pain in his arms and felt himself dying to so, if he doesn't want to die and has the heart to save me he will come... if not I'm either dead or you save me and we figure out another plan of getting him hear."

"Are you really comfortable doing this Mark?" she asked me.

"If it means I can see YN and be with her again I will do anything!" I answered.

Cutting scene.

I lifted the knife to my arm and cut a deep hole into my arm I screamed in pain and fell to the floor. It was a minute later and Dark was here to save the day.


"What the Fuck are you doing man! How and Why did you do this! You idiot!" Dark was yelling at me and healing my arm. When it was done he just pinned me to the ground and continued to yell. "Answer me Why the Hell did you do this? Was it you that did it?"

"Yes it was me! But I have a reason I needed to get you here!"

"What why?" he asked and I just pointed to YN's mom.

"Hello Dark!" she smiled and waved.

"Who the fuck are you?" Dark sneered.

"I'm here to fix what I destroyed." she answered simply. "Now sit!" she snapped her fingesr and Dark and I were both in seats.

"How did you do that!" Dark freaked.

"I'm a witch to put it just. Now please allow me to do this!" she walked towards us and put a hand on both of our foreheads. "Now Mark this is where you come in I need you to think about all the memories you can of YN, Silver, You and Dark together, okay?"

"Okay!" was all I said and started thinking of all the memories.

We sat there for about 5 minutes just in this daze with YN mothers hands on us, me imagining all the memories and then said something in a whisper and pulled away. Dark slumped over in his chair and almost fell out of it.

"Is he okay?" I freaked

"Yes he's okay! He just received a ton of information at once so it's normal to get knocked out for a few."

"How long is a few?" I asked.

"It good be seconds or it could be minutes... it all depends on the person." she answered and right after she said it, Dark woke up.

"Mark? Wh-What happened? Where am I?" Dark asked.

"I'm right here, we did something so we can fix what happened that wasn't supposed too." I answered.

"Fix what?" Dark asked.

"A memory wipe spell happened and we just fixed it and got your memories back hopefully." I answered.

"Um okay. What were the memories that I lost and need to know... well remember." Dark asked while stretching and itching his head.

"Anything with YN, Mark, You and Silver." YN mother finally spoke up.

"I-I forgot who Silver was!!" he yelled! "Where is she? Is she okay?"

"Everything's okay she's fine she at home right now. But right now I need you two to go and do some expensive shopping! Okay? Also Dark do you talked to the others if so try to get them to come here to Mark's place please. We need everyone that was here the night of the spell."

"Okay what do we need to get?" Mark asked.

"It depends who was all there I need a list of names." Dark answered.

"Mark can tell you all who was there and if he forgets some names either message YN or Silver." she answered, and then thought for a second and then continued. "and the thing you both need to get is-"

So what do you think your Mom is having them buy? comment what you think it is!  Also hope you guys liked this chapter. Hope to post another soon! If you liked it please vote to let me know, have a great day or night! (1075 words)


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