New Fires (Twiliight/Last Airbender Fanfic)

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"Come on Appa.Yip yip" I cried as i climbed onto his large furry back. Appa let out a moan but carried on. Me, my brother Aang and our best friends, Sokka and Katara had had a run in with some of the fire nation. I screamed our as i saw my brother and Katara was shot down. I knew they were dead before they hit the ground. Pain ripped though me. I finaly felt the loss. Of my people, the air-benders, who had been whipped out by the fire nation, and now my only living relative and best friends had been killed in front of me. Me and my bother were the Avatars. Of course there was only supposed to be one but since we were twins then we shared the same destiny, but now i was the only one left. I clung onto to Appa. I knew Sokka was here as well. I could hear his shout and crying. I could hear fire shooting out, and feel the heat of it.I just hoped it would end soon.


"Terra. Wake up." I felt my self being shaken awake. Instanly i opened my eyes and saw Sokka leaning over me. His eyes were blotchy and red. I thew my self onto him and wrapped him in a hug. I knew he was lost at what to do without his sister. Like me with my brother. I knew with out Sokka i would lose my sanity would crumble. i felt Appa lean down. I guess we were landing. I hiccuped and pulled away from Sokka.

"They will always with us Sokka" I said. He knew who i was talking about. "Right here" I touch his strong chest, right were his heart was. I touch mine too. "All we need to do now is to start a new. Till i can find away at destroying the fire lord and for us to heal our wounds" Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. Sokka bowed his head. Finally we landed in the forests. I knew we were far from any benders. Earth and water included. Of course i could bend all of the elements. Earth, air, fire and water. But i was out of practice when the army attacked. I felt a lump in my throat then i thought of that. "They wouldn't want us to morn their death till the war is over. If they were here now they would slap you" I said. my eyes watering.

" I know" was all Sokka said. I knew he was more effected than me. He had lost his mother then they were little, his father had gone to war and now he lost his sister. As much as i wanted to grieve for them, i knew i had to wait. Suddenly there was some screeching then my bag moved. I jumped then opened my bag. Momo tumbled out, he screeched again then flew on Sokka's lap.

"At least we got Momo and Appa" I said sadly. I took Aangs staff and climbed off Appa and stoked his big face. I knew Appa loved Aang. They had a bond with each other. I looked about. We seemed to be by a road. "Appa. Me and Sokka will go out and have a look around. Please try and not to show your self to anyone but us. Okay" I said rubbing Appa's furry face. He nodded and sloped away deeper into the woods. "You too Momo" Momo screeched then flew after him. i turned to Sokka. "Lets go" We both headed towards the road.

It seemed empty. I sighed then closed my eyes. Then stamped hard on the ground. I focused on using my seismic sense. Seismic sense is used in earth-bending, It help's me detect vibrations in the ground to perceive objects, people and other things around. Well it was almost like seeing but if and object was floating like water or a boulder then i couldn't see it.  There were only few who know it. Me, Aang, The bagermoles, Toph and Sokka, who had lots of difficult with it but could do it, It even saved him once. Even as i could see perfectly, my eyes had a clouded film over, so i was mistaken for being blind, it was sometimes a blessing. Almost at once i could feel a vibrations of some huge, metal and quite big. "Somethings coming" I whispered.

"I know i can feel it too" I nodded but stumbled forward and fell to the ground, just as something rounded the corner. I instantly covered my head, waiting for the impact. My head had been shaved a few years  ago, for when i had my Air-bending tattoos put on, so my hair was now quite long. It was an Arrow from the center of my shoulder blades, going to the top of my head, and was touching my forehead, i could cover that with a head band, four mores Arrows going down my limbs to my hands and feet. There was  a sudden Screech. Then it stopped. I realised i was shaking. Suddenly the door of the thing open and a man rushed out. I looked at the man for a moment then my world clouded into darkness.

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