New Fires

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Finally we got back to our camp. Instantly Momo jumped on to my shoulder and started to screech at me in his odd little language that we couldn't understand but i guessed he was telling us off. I laughed and pulled him gently off my shoulder.

"We're fine Momo. No need to give us a lecture." I said softly to him. Then suddenly i rembered somthing."Oh Appa how could i forget. A watermelon. I promised you one." I groned. I remembered that Markets aren't always on. "Im sorry buddie" I said. "I'll make you some soup" I ran quickly into the tepe and went to look for a large cooking bowl. I knew i had one somewhere. I found it and put it on a circle of rocks, all i needed to do now was light a fire. Of course i knew some firebending moves, and could create fire but i wasn't good. i could easily keep warm and stuff. I looked up to see Sokka playing with momo. Well acturly Momo was pulling his hair and Sokka started to chase him till he ran into the river. I laughed then ducked my head then let out a burst of fire from my mouth. Just like a dragon but with more control and less fire.

"Terra. Momo just broke my hari band" Sokka whined from the River. I looked up to see Momo staning triumphant on a rock, holding a band made of animal skin, over his head. I burst out laughing.

"Good one Momo" 

"Hey your not surpost to side with him" Sokka whined again. I smiled innosently and set the soup to simmer. I jumped up and stripped so i was in my underwere. Sokka's eyes went wide. I then ran and jumped into the river but i turned a strip into ice and started to use it as a surf board. I laughed at Sokka's open mouth then jumped off the board and onto the soft grass. As soon as my feet made contact i felt a wave of vibrations, Someone was running towards us, I gasped as i felt the familar build from the side of the forest. Then suddenly the figure burst out then fell to the floor. Instanly i ran over to her.

"Toph" I gasped, I could bearly reconise her. Her face, arms, hands, legs and feet were ittered with small cuts, her right shoulder had a burn on and her clothes were torn. 

"Terra" She gasped. Sokka ran over, gasping when he saw Toph in my arms. He bent down and scooped her up. I stamped hard and the grould and lifted my arms up, bringing up a rectangle piece of earth, with a dent to match a human shape, roughtly in tophs hight and shape. Sokka gently rested Toph on. I soon relised she was crying.She gripped Sokka's hand really tight, Sokka winced.

 "Toph, im going to try and clean your wounds with some water. Your feet first" She nodded, I With a movement of my arms i brought up some water and it gently covered all her feet. Toph fliched. "Its okay Toph. You'll be on your feet in no time"  said but them the water suddenly glowed blue, in shock i dropped it to the floor. Now her feet were now scrachless, the blood was gone, they looked like they use to. Toph relxaed.

"That feels so much better now. Thanks Terra" Toph said, and yawned.

 "Toph Your tired. Sleep while i heal the rest of you" She nodded and closed her greenish-grey eyes, in a matter of seconds she was asleep. I carfully stripped her clothes she she was in her bra and pants (Which i was slightly uncomfortable with). Even along her body there were scrached, deep and shallow. Again with the water, but this time i covered her whole body. Toph twitched but didnt wake. But as soon as the water touched her injured skin, in the back of my mind i knew what all her injuries were. The water glowed blue again, then her injuries slowly dissapeard into faint scars. If i had gotten to it quicker then it wouldn't have scared, but it was the best i could do.

I dumped most of the water back but i needed some for her face too. It seemed fine. This time she just rolled over, exposing her brurnt shoulder, Of course it would scar, a bit like Zukoz but less coloured so she should easily cover it with make up or somthing. I dumped the water back into the river then picked her up and took her back to the tepe and slipped her into the furlined sleeping bag. I sniffed, Then i suddenly remembered the soup. I rushed out and blew the fire out. I bent some into Appa's mouth, A little bit for Momo and a bowl full for me Toph and Sokka. Instantly Sokka dug in hungrily. I finished mine quickly and walked slowly back to the tepe. Just as i got in, Toph woke up. 

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