5. First day

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I woke up at 6:00am and dragged myself out of bed. Anna and Izzy are still asleep, so I'm trying to be as quiet as possible. God, those two could sleep for England.

I go into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed into my new robes. I curl my hair lightly and apply mascara, do my eyebrows and put clear lip balm on. Since I don't know the makeup rules, I'm trying to be subtle.

I look in the mirror and sigh at my appearance. Why can't I be pretty? I was hoping I would find someone new at Hogwarts after the Nathan incident, but If I'm looking like this I highly doubt it.

I walk down to the common room to see if there is anyone there, and to my surprise I see three boys: one who I recognise as Oliver Wood and the Weasley twins.

"Hello my fellow French speaker!" Fred says patting the space on the couch next to him, motioning for me to sit down.

"You speak French?" I say, stunned.

"Nope!" Fred and George reply in sync. Okay?

"I have Care of Magical Creatures first, but I don't know where it is. Can you help? And I'm sure I need a seat so we might have to go to all my lessons a bit all and I'm really scar-" I get cut off by Oliver screaming.

"Stop rambling! You'll be fine, garden!" He says smiling.



Wow, I never noticed how nice this guy is. No wonder he has all the girls swooning over him. He's a great friend.

"Oh my merlin!" I hear Izzy's Irish accent shout from the girls stairs. I turn to see what's wrong but both Izzy and Anna are staring at me, mouthes wide opened.

"What's wrong?" I say laughing.

"Your face! It's so... natural!" Anna says.

What is these girls on about? Natural?

"What these lovely ladies mean-" George says. "This is the first time you've not had a full face of paint on-" Fred says. "Infront if anyone here!" George finishes. Damn you weird twin power.

WAIT. WHAT! I've never shown them my real face. MY BLOODY FRECKLES!
I instantly cover my face with my hands.

"You shall not see my freckles! I refuse! I'm going putting a full face on NOW!" I say standing up when a strong pair of hands sits me back down and takes my hands away from my face.

"One, you are not allowed any makeup during class what you've got on is maximum. Two, You look amazing without it. Chill out, Garden!" Oliver says calmly making me blush.


"Hello Eden, I'm Hagrid. You care of magical creatures teacher.

"Bonjour!" I say laughing.

That class was pretty standard. The most exciting thing about was I saw I REALLY cute boy keep glancing at me. He had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. His jawline cut cut like knives. Anyway, next lesson is Defence Against The Dark Arts with someone called Professor Quirrell. I'm sat next to the same boy who was glancing at me in COMC.

"Hi, I'm Louis James." He says with that oh-so-sweet smile.

"Hello, I'm Eden Sloan." I say blushing, this boy is so cute.

"French huh? Cute." He says. We didn't talk for the rest of the lesson, the only communication (sort of, not really) was the small glances.

Half way through the lesson, Oliver gets took out and doesn't come back in. When the bell goes, Anna, Izzy and I all walk out last and see Oliver standing next to the open door frame with the biggest smile ever!

"Harry Potter is Gryffindor's new seeker. I repeat, Harry Potter is Gryffindor's new seeker!" He says making us all squeal. He seems to say that a lot. Do I smell an inside joke? I think I do!


At dinner, Anizden sit together talking about random things.

"Louis James is sooooooo cute!" I say dragging out the so.

"I know right!" Izzy exclaims eating her chicken wrap.

"I'd definitely snog him!" Anna says making me and Anna turn around to her in surprise. We all burst out laughing, yes, it brought attention to us but I was too funny not to laugh.


So, recently I have been wondering if I should bring another OC into this. Maybe even a love interest for Anna or Izzy? Sooooo, if you want to (not saying you have to or anything) you can make the oc!

Age: (around the age of 13, not twenty or anything like that)

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