J-Hope don't leave please

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Seokjin POV

I was waiting at the gates for Suga when I saw J-hope walking towards me. He looked like he hadn't slept. I thought he was going to stop and talk to me but he just kept walking. *grabs hoseok's wrist* 

J-hope what's wrong? 

Hoseok - *removes my wrist* Why do you care?!

J-Hope keep it down *hisses*

Hoseok - *rolls eyes* Why afraid you precious reputation will be ruined if your near me

J- Hope you know that's not true What's got into you?!

Hoseok - Doesn't matter You won't have to worry about me being near you anymore *starts walking off*

J-Hope don't leave please!

Hoseok - I wanted to be more than friends but you choose him WHY!? *looks at me heartbroken*

j-hope I'm sorry I-

Hoseok - *sees Suga walking towards them and sighs* Don't worry about it Seokjin *leaves*

*I stare at the spot where J-Hope was just standing and sigh softly*

Suga - Jin What happened?

*looks up* Nothing love Let's go inside Yeah *grabs Suga's hand and walks into the school with him* 

The day went by pretty fast I tried talking to J-Hope in our first hour but he completely shut me out. I was walking towards the school gate when jungkook came up to me. 

Jungkook- *punches Jin in the jaw*

*stumbles back and glares at Jungkook* 

Jungkook- I told you to stay away from him but you didn't listen!

* I notice people start to gather around and I roll my eyes* We all know your in love with him Jungkook Your just jealous he fell for me and not you!

*A lot of students gasped at my remark and started whispering*

Jungkook - *punches Jin again in the jaw* 

*stumbles a little and hits jungkook in the cheek watching him stumble a little* 

Jungkook- You going to hurt me like you hurt Taehyung

* My eyes turned cloudy and I growled* Don't you ever mentioned Taehyung again!

Jungkook - *smirks a bit* Taehyung will always be a little bitch *chuckles softly*

*Goes to hit jungkook again but is stopped*

Hoseok- Jin Stop! *pushes past everyone and stands in front of jungkook* Stop hitting my boyfriend

Jungkook- *smirks a little*

*rolls eyes* Oh so he is your boyfriend now that I denied you That's cool to have him as your rebound 

Suga - *grabs jin's hand* Baby Let's not argue with them Come on let's go home

*sighs and mumbles* Okay 

Jungkook- One day everyone will find out what you did and they won't like you

*Stands there* I didn't kill Taehyung Jungkook BamBam did that's why he is in jail right now I loved Taehyung he was my first love and he always will be. *Walks off with Suga* 

Hoseok's POV

*People started leaving after Jin and Suga left so it just left me and Jungkook* Jungkook

Jungkook- Don't J-Hope I know you love him I can tell *sighs* I should of known I never had a chance anyways.

Jungkook *hugs him* Thank You

Jungkook- *holds J-Hope* I really like you I just wish our parents weren't together so we could have something together.

*looks jungkook in the eyes* We can give it a t-try I'm not saying it will work out but we could try

Jungkook - Okay Let's try 

* Goes home with Jungkook and since our parents are on a business trip we cuddle up to each other and watch a movie. Half way into the movie I notice jungkook staring at me.*

Jungkook stop staring *blushes* 

Jungkook - *smiles* I can't help it I just want to kiss you so badly right now

*Smiles softly* Kiss me then

Jungkook- *leans in and kisses me gently sliding his tongue across my bottom lip making me gasp he then slides his tongue in my mouth.*

The kiss got a little heated but we both broke apart when we heard a gasp. I looked up seeing jungkook's best friend Namjoon standing there with a shocked expression. Jungkook got off of me and grabbed Namjoon's hand then dragged him upstairs. I was so confused but instead of worrying I stood up  went into my room and fell asleep not realizing Jungkook and Namjoon were yelling at each other.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Another chapter I hope everyone is enjoying Vote Comment Lots of love - H

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