He is your stepbrother!

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Jungkooks POV (shocking ik lol)

*groans* i know he is part family but Namjoon i love him. I'm in love with him and everytime *hisses* Jin  is around him I get jealous and lash out  in front of everyone. I don't get why you're so upset about this anyways.

Namjoon- BECAUSE I LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK! *sighs* I've been in love with you since we became friends but you were always beside him and all over him. That's why I'm upset about the two of you dating.

*looks at the ground* I'm sorry Namjoon but I love him and I can't just leave because you finally confessed your feelings for me. If you liked me for so long then you should have told me sooner rather than later because now it's too late.

Namjoon- *smiles sadly* I know I have to go now see you tomorrow kookie *leaves the house going home*

*goes downstairs locking the door and sighs seeing J-hope asleep then smiles whispering* he's finally mine
*walks over to jhope picking him up and taking him to my room and lays him on one side of the bed then turns the light off jumping on the other side of the bed pulling Hoseok closer and falling asleep*

Next dayyyyyyy........

Seokjin's POV

*walking to school along with Suga and holds his hand tightly* I'm afraid babe

Yoongi- Don't worry baby Jungkook won't step near you again I promise

How do you know such a thing babe? He isn't afraid of me anymore he knows about my past.

Yoongi- he was jealous because you were flirting with Hoseok now him and Hoseok are dating so he has no reason to be jealous anymore plus you have me now prince

*smiles and kisses yoongi softly* thank you babe so much I appreciate your kind words

Yoongi- I'm your boyfriend after all *chuckles* let's get to class before we are late.

*they go to their first class and the day begins. *

Jin hadn't run into hope at all even though he saw him in their first class but the younger just ignored him. He was tired of fighting with hope and just wanted to say sorry but he couldn't do that when the younger was ignoring him. So now he was pissed off and had no patience which is why he stormed up to hope during lunch. He grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him to the boys bathroom then slammed him against the stalls.

*growls* stop acting like a douche Hoseok I just wanted to apologize but you've been ignoring me all day!

Hoseok- Why would I talk to you Seokjin?!

*a look of hurt flashes my eyes and I pull away* I thought we were friends hope

Hoseok- we stopped being friends when you choose him *hisses*

It's not my fault that he is all over you and wouldn't let me even try to be with you!! I knew the moment I met him that he had major feelings for you. That first day of school when I sat next to you the minute he walked into the room there was a aura that suddenly appeared. I could feel his jealously from a mile away so yeah I'm sorry for deciding to move on and be happy. *Sobs*

Hoseok- *sighs* I'm sorry Jin we can be friends please stop crying I don't like seeing you cry. *He pulls me into a hug*

*Hugs him back* I'm sorry too I love you Hope

Hoseok- I love you too Jin

After we made up we walked to the cafeteria and sat with our boyfriend's. Jungkook forgave me and apologized for being a douche. He also said sorry about mentioning Taehyung. I forgave him and we all are lunch talking about our lives and the crazy shit we did in middle school.

*After school*

My phone rings and I don't recognize the caller ID. *Shrugs and answers the call*

"Hello Seokjin did you miss me?" -unknown
If this is some kind of sick joke you are a real dick whoever you are!!? *Tears up*
"I would never joke around Jinnie I missed you and couldn't keep lying to you so I called. There is a lot of explaining I need to do so I'm going to text you a address meet me there alone at 8 tonight okay." - unknown
Okay fine I'll be there

The phone hangs up and I wipe the tear that managed to slip. I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I sighed in relief when I seen Yoongi. I hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed and kissed my cheek back. We walked home together. Once Yoongi knew I was safe at home he kissed me goodbye and went home himself. I sighed after closing my front door. I decided to take a nap before I had to meet up with my old friend. I set a alarm for 7:30PM so I could get ready and then I laid down and fell asleep.

Hey guys it's me the author gosh it's been awhile since I've worked on this book. I read it and was like I need to finish this. So here I am expect new chapters ❤️ -H

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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