Who Are You? · Chapter 2

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It was Jon first night patrolling Gotham. Yay. Usually it was one of the Wayne brothers or even Batman but tonight Bruce had a meeting with the Justice League, Dick had made plans with Kori and their daughter, Jason was out of state with Bizzaro and Artimis, and Tim had to go on an undercover mission. And so who was the person they turn to out of everyone they knew? Jon. He tried looking at the positive side

"At least I got something to do rather then be in my comfortable bed watching Netflix." Yea. It wasn't working.

Just then he heard screaming nearby, his head jerk to the opposite side he was looking at; there, a mass shooting happening at Gotham bank. Immediately he leap off the 9 story building he was standing on and rush towards the bank. Inside, 3 robbers yelling and gunning at the employees to hand in everthing they got or else "We"ll kill you!".

It was nothing Jon hasn't seen before but that doesn't mean hes going to slack off, peoples lives are at risk. When he kicked down the front entrance to the bank the smell in the atmosphere was...unusual.

'Are these... omegas?' Thought Jon, 'What are omegas doing robbing a bank?'. He wasn't the one to stereotype but omegas doing crime was a rare sight. Then he remember Damien, Damien was definitely a sight to behold. There were a few members on the team who were omegas but they were all girls or their powers included super strength. But Damien broke every rule in the book about omegas, even when Jon was 10 he secretly look up to Damien. To him, Damien was living proof that no matter your label you can still accomplish big thi-

Jon snap out of his thoughts when he saw bullets flying from the thieves. One by one bullets were charging at his skin, just because they weren't in his skin doesn't mean they hurt any less. Jon ran towards the robbers, while ignoring the pain, and ram his fist straight at their face leaving a pool of a blood pouring out of their nose. They quickly fell to the ground. The other one seem 'smarter' then their friend. They were dodging Jons attacks and even gave him a few hits, It wasn't anything Jon couldn't handle. 'Damnit! These omegas can actually hit!' It reminded him of the time when Dami-


Right now was not the time! Especially if he was getting his ass kick by an omega.

Jon was able to knock them out with a swift punch coming from behind. "That did the job." He looked around the room "the civilians must of gotten out while i was fighting..." But just then someone started charging at him 'i forgot there were 3 of them!' Jon said in his mind, but something was different about this omega... It was holding a gun... Made out of kryptonite!? Jon was shocked "W-where did you get that!?!?" It made them smile knowing that the superboy was scared. They faced it torwards Jon, and shot it. It went in his shoulder. Jon scream in pain while putting his hand on his shoulder. Just when they were about pull the trigger again...

A batarang was thrown at the gun, slicing it into two.

'So now the Batman shows'

But when he look from where the batarang was thrown...it wasn't Batman.
Instead a boy? who looked to be 13 or 12. But what really got to him was that he was wearing the exact same suit that Damien wore when he was Robin. He couldn't really make out his face since he was wearing the hood that the suit had. Did Batman get a new Robin?

"WHY YOU SON OF A BITC-" but before the theif could finish, a foot was made in contact with his face. Lets just say he went to sleep. The robin came rushing torwards Superboy "Are you okay sir?" The Robin had such a femme voice to be a boy but also had a serious tone to it that he wasn't sure if a girl could inherit ,if only they took off the hood. Jon wanted to say yes but grunted in pain. "I'll take that as a no." Police sirens were being heard "We have to go, can you still walk?"

Jon wasn't sure, yeah the bullet hit him in the shoulder but it felt like it was spreading to his whole body. Maybe it was the kyptonite? Jon answer their question with a shug, the Robin gave him a nasty look, they smacks their teeth and says" It was a yes or no question, but whatever I'll help you." They put Jons arm around their shoulds and help him up. They manage to make it through the back door of the bank before the cops arrived. They went through an alley and they rest jon down on the ground, and took off Jons upper suit.

"Okay what I'm about to do might hurt a little" they took out an first aid kit that was in a little backpack they had did they always had that backpack? They pour a liquid over the his shoulder "AHH, SHI-" they slap their hand over Jon mouth "Can you please just shut up?"

While they were pouring it, Jon could only wince in pain "I'm doing this so the cut won't get infected" they got a rag and started cleaning the wound so it was visable were the bullet was

"Okay for this part your really not gonna like, but im gonna need you to hold still." They got tweezer from the kit, and slowly and steadily they were bring out the pistol Jon squirm time to time and every time they would tell him "It would be done faster if you'd stop fucking moving."

Bad attitude much? Eventually they manage to get it out and wrap Jons shoulder with banages. When they were done Jon rest his back on the alley wall, the Robin was putting up everything in their backpack. He open his mouth

"If you dont mind me asking, who are you?"

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