You Okay? · Chapter 4

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"Yes, father?"

Jon shivered when he heard the word, it gave him chills. Could you blame him? He just found out he had a kid 6 minutes ago. What is he gonna do? How is he going to explain this to everyone? Especially Batma- NO no no not even going to think about that one.

"Er...Call me...Jon.." He said shuffling his feet to a now standing position. He felt a little lumpy from his wounds but nothing he hadn't been through before.

"Jon? Why? Isn't that rude to call your parents by their first name?" The girl, who was apparently named Martha, tilted her head in confusion. Jon didn't have an answer. His mouth felt dry and he began breathing at a fast pace. What was he supposed to say? This is all new to him. He held the letter a little too tight, as if it was there for emotional support like a stress ball.

"Well.......y-you se-"

"Batman to Superboy."

He jumped. Like. Really hard.

"Y-yess?" He answered to the communicator, he tried his hardest to steady his breath after a scared like that. He thought he almost died!

"Give me a report. Did anything out of the ordinary take place?"

"NOPE! everthings alllll good! Just doing a hero duty just like a real hero would do...on his duty!" What the fuck was he saying? Of course BATMAN:worlds greatest detective wouldn't believe that shit of a lie


"Okay! Okay! Maybe a few robberies here and there, but it's nothing I couldn't handle."

"Thats what I wanted to hear the first time."

Batmans voice had always scared Jon, though he would never fully admit to it. Hearing the alphas voice sent him chills and it didn't help at all that he always wore a emotionless expression. You could never really know what the Dark Knight was truly feeling.

"I-i just didn't think it was important."

"My city, my problems. They are all important to me."

"My b-bad. I'm sorry...."

Suddenly Martha's voice cuts through.

"Father are you okay? You seem to be shaking uncontrollably."

"Who is that in the background?" Bruce wasn't supposed to know she existed. Yet! How was he going to explain this? "Well you see...turns out Damien is alive! and guess what?! He had a daughter! Who just so happens to also share my genes making her my daughter too! And to top it off someone is on the lookout for him and the girl and possibly wants them dead! I know, crazy right???" There was only one thing he could do. It was the only way.

"KSHHHHHHKK" He began making static noises from is mouth.

"Superboy what are y-"


"Do you expect me to believ-"



Jon immediately ended the call. There was no way he was going to survive that talk to Batman. He did what he had to do! Well, thats what he kept telling himself.

He lean against the alley wall and let out a deep sigh.

"Who was that father?" Jon look down to see Martha's face. He could see a sense a confusion and curiosity washed over her face underneath the mask.

Jon took a deep breath in before answering. "That was the scariest man in the world. Your Grandfather."

Sorry for taking forever to update wifi problems, like we had no wifi ;n; but now we just now got new wifi!!! So much faster now XD

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