Chapter 2

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*Alfred Kirkland's POV*

Arthur Jones had departed last night without giving me any answers. Somehow, I was his 'mission', though I don't really understand the specifics. How could a little kid be so important? What sort of mission is Arthur involved with? As of right now, as I sip on my last cup of tea, I am trembling with curiousity.

Would Arthur return and give me the full truth soon? Would he make me wait? Would he even tell me at all?

All the questions keep soaring through my head like... like that phrase my father always uses in his stories. What was it again? A sea of brewing tea? I shrug. I never did understand poetry anyway.

"Alfred!" A voice calls out to me.

Before I can steady myself, the window flutters open and he appears with that cocky grin of his. I pretend to be shocked, hands gripping tightly onto my cup and saucer. "Arthur, what are you doing here?"

Actually, I was the least bit surprised. Last time Arthur had appeared in the dead of night and it was barely midday as of now. Why is he here so early in the day?

He closes the window and sits next to me in one of the table's wooden chairs. "Well, dad's in the neighborhood, so I thought I would drop by."

He pours himself a glass of tea and fills it with excess sugar and creamers. Americans. I never would understand their sweet tooths. "Ah, I see." That was all I could think of to say, though much more was plastered to my brain.

He noticed my shaking hands, probably because of the consistent ripples in my tea and the occassional clattering of the cup against the saucer. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked with worried eyes.

I place my cup of tea down and stare down at the table. My hands grip onto my khaki shorts. "I'm so confused, Arthur. Just what is going on?"

He leans his elbow on the table, and rests his head on his hand. "This about what I said last night?"

I nodded. He hit the nail right on the head. I suppose he was probably thinking about it too. "Listen, I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I probably freaked you out so much you didn't want to sleep..."

He was worried about me. Few people were. I shook my head. I noticed a few stray hars hanging over my eyes. "No, it's fine. I was just wondering what you wanted with me. I mean, your 'mission' or whatever."

He smiles. "That's all in the past. I decided that being your friend is more of my mission."

I stare at him in surprise. "But I thought I was important to the cause?"

He loops an arm around my shoulder and snuggles his cheek against mine. "You are important. I'd rather be beside you, and I wouldn't be able to do that if I carried out my mission."

I look at him. My hands were shaking in my lap. "Would they take me away?"

He had a worried look to his eyes, but it dissappeared in an instant. He leaned against my shoulder, keeping me close. "I'd never let them do that."

They would try to take me away? Could Arthur protect me?

"Why? Who? When?"

His grip loosens as he pulls away from me. "You're important to them. I can't tell you who, and I don't know when, but I promise you won't be harmed. I'll stay here if I have to."

I was still confused. I had so many questions that weren't answered, but I couldn't blame him. I know Arthur must have his reasons for not telling me. One things for sure, though: I believe in him.

I reach out to him with my quivering arms and hug his chest. "Arthur, I'm scared."

He holds me tightly, arms laced around my back. "I know."

A Shot In The Dark (A Sequel to If The World Was Us)(UsUk Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now