New Responsibilities

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Sorry my updates haven't been steady I have a lot of stuff to at the moment but I'm trying my best also I want to congratulate the fact I have 34k reads it might not be a lot compared to other books you have read but it means a lot so thank you xx

Xavier's POV

Last night was probably the best of my life everything about it was perfect every moment of it was pure bliss. I felt our bond strengthen immensely I knew at that exact moment I made the right decision with everything I did by her or for her nothing could ruin this moment for me.

Kayleigh stirs in my arms I look down at her smiling softly she looks up at me and blushes crimson I'm guessing she's recalling what happened last night I pull her closer to my chest and kiss her forehead I then lean down to kiss her properly but as our lips were about to touch a knock at the door interrupted us. I glare at the door growling lightly Kayleigh giggles but the annoyance on her face is clear as day "What?!" I growl.

"Sorry Alpha, but this is important business." Carl speaks out.

"Fine, I'll be there shortly," I murmur in a gruff voice, judging the lack of reply he has gone. "Sorry beautiful as much as I want to stay with you duty calls wash up and meet me in our office." I put extra emphasis on the word out to get my point across that she is my equal, and she will never be treated as anything but.

Kayleigh's POV

Stirring slightly I open my eyes to see Xavier smiling at me I recalled our previous night together and the fact we're still naked has my face heating up he pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead lovingly he leaned in to kiss me when a knock rang throughout the bedroom. Xavier's face dropped into an annoyed scowl and I'll admit I too was annoyed at the interruption. After we knew who and what they wanted Xavier pecked my lips before telling me to meet him in our office the word our made my heart flutter as I watched him walk into the shower a giddy smile tugging at my lips. He left shortly after his shower which was now free I sat in the Jacuzzi letting the soft waves of water bounce off my body it was relaxing to say the least.... 

Deciding that after 20 minutes in the jacuzzi was enough, I got dressed and walked to Xavier's office.

"Our office, babe." He reprimanded. I rolled my eyes.

"Stay out of my head," I snapped. His laugh echoed through my mind as I entered the room. "So what's this all abou-" I was cut off when the phone as I was closest I answered and I regretted it as soon as I heard who was on the line.

"So have you decided to give me my slut back?" Alpha Ryan's voice invaded my eardrums and rage built up inside me.

"No, he hasn't because I'm not yours. I never have been and I certainly never will be you bastard you took everything from me and trust me when I say this I will not stop until I have ruined you like you did to me and don't forget I know who your mate is and I won't hesitate to end her pathetic existence just to spite you I'm not the same girl you beat or assaulted I'm a lot stronger now and I swear to you I will kill you but that's after everybody you've wronged gets a shot at you including Levi and Chase " he laughed at my outburst.

"Chase my darling is dead I killed him after I killed your slut of a sister but if your sure you can take me. Meet me on the border of your land on the next wolf moon to settle this and if you win, I'll call of the attack which would start the war but if I win, you have to reject Xavier and come back to my pack." He suggested laughing maniacally. I looked between my friends, wanting someone to stop me from what I was about to say... not that it was going to stop me. 

"Fine, but I warned you." I spat as I slammed the phone down everyone's eyes were on me with scared looks etched onto their faces it is then I realised my claws were out and my eyes were black and I know Xavier could feel every ounce of anger I was currently experiencing. I didn't want to deal with their questions, so I walked away. 

I was still very angry, and running into one of Channade's ex minions didn't help. "Watch it, bitch. God your so stupid I am so glad I'm going to seduce Xavier into letting me become Luna... then I will kill you. Just for fun." She laughed, and I growled, directing all my anger at her.

I grabbed her throat and slammed her back into the wall, my wolf in full control. "Who do you think you are talking to?" I spat as I applied more pressure to her throat she was scratching at my hands begging for me to let go I laughed at her cries for help. Xavier came running into the room.

"Kayleigh let her go, please." He said softly as he approached me I turn my anger to him.

"Touch me and you will be next." my wolf spat his face fell and hurt clouded his emotion.

"Xavier her wolf is in full control, she's primal she thinks your trying to protect the girl." Somebody's voice spoke, but I was too busy choking this bitch to notice who.

"Mate it is me I do not care for this girl love you and I do not want you to feel the guilt of killing an innocent." He said, his eyes flashing a golden brown.

"Innocent?" She laughed humourlessly. "This girl is hardly innocent she plans to mate with you, bare your pups and then kill me for sport if you see this as innocent your blind." 

"Kayleigh that will not happen I'll let you escort her to the cells but we cannot kill her." He persisted. Reluctantly my wolf gave control back I threw her to the floor I looked at Xavier I was still angry.

"Bitch." She spat at me from the floor I kicked her in her fake face and jumped from the balcony and shifted into in mid air landing perfectly I bolted into the woods to calm down. 


I came back from my run and went straight to the training room where Xavier was currently occupying "Avie...?" He looked at me and said nothing he just pulled me into his chest, stroking my hair softly causing a smile to tug at my lips.

"I wasn't protecting her, my love, I was looking out for you. More specifically your humanity." He explained, and I nodded.

"I know." I said, and I looked down, fidgeting with my shirt. I wanted to tell him about Ryan... but I was scared about his reaction. He's going to be so mad.

"what is it, love?" 

I took a deep breath. "I need you to train me so I can kill Ryan," I nodded. "Now." I added with a smirk.

He looked down at me, and I knew he was going to refuse. His hand cupped my face as he stared at me intensely. "Okay," he said, and excitement washed through me as I grinned at him. "We will start at six am sharp. And I will not go easy on you. If you're going to train, you're going to train hard, like everybody else. No short cuts." He lectured, and I nodded.

"I'd expect nothing less Alpha." I said a teasing edge to my tone. He rolled his eyes at me but pulled me in for a soft kiss.


Hope this chapter was to everyone's liking if so, vote and comment xxx

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