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Hope you like this chapter guys it is kind of special one.

And I'm so so sorry it took me this long to update I have been so so busy but all that's past now I'm going to update as frequently as I can.❤❤

Xavier's POV

As soon as we drove away, I felt incomplete like there's a hole inside of me and the further it gets the more lonely I feel but I'm doing this for her it's her chance at a happy life she will have me and if this trip is successful, she will have her brother the only family she will have until we have our own I smiled at the thought of Kayleigh holding my newborn pup in her arms going into protective mom mode if our child gets hurt or picked on which they shouldn't but things happen look at all the shit Kayleigh's been through.....

We were close and I could feel my wolf getting anxious I had this gut feel that something's wrong back home... blaming it on the sadness of leaving my mate I get out the car and grab my luggage and walk into the hotel we stopped at. I get into the room well suite I'm staying in and get settled in.

Once I'm settled, I call Carl to enter and we start making arrangements; I was about to call the alpha of the Silver moon pack when my phone rang. Answering it, I smiled when I heard her voice.

" Hello?"


"Yeah it's me darling is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just have this feeling something's going to happen why your away... and I... I miss you." She mumbled through the phone.

"Don't worry baby everything going to be fine and I miss you too, I'll be back before you know it." I said with a soft smile on my face.

"Why did you leave me?" She questioned, the hurt in her voice killed me on the inside.

"I didn't want to, but I had to Alpha duties are unavoidable."

"So your saying that your alpha duties are more important than me fine, I see how it is goodbye Alpha Xavier." She snapped, I growled.

"Don't call me that-" She cut the call on me what the hell what's up with her, I need to find out what's going on with her.... I sighed and called the Alpha.

"Hello, who am I speaking with?" He asked.

"Hello my Name Xavier Black the Alpha of The Shadow Moon I'm calling to ask permission to step onto your land to speak with you." I said politely.

"Why should I trust you? No offense but its not every day the Alpha of the largest pack in the US asks permission to speak with me." He mumbled I nodded, understanding his reasons.

"That is understandable Alpha I am in a quest to help find the last of mate's family I have been from country to country chasing leads all I want is to make her happy.... to fill a void I can't."

"Touching story. Really, it is. But when your on my land I'm the Alpha, if you disrespect me I won't hesitate to kill you." He spoke confidently. I held back a growl that so desperately wanted to be let out.


"Okay sorted I will meet you at my border at 3 pm."

"Okay." I said, and he ended the call I threw my phone on the couch and growled what an ass...!

I went to bed shortly after, but it's not like I can sleep; I missed Kayleigh, so I reached out.

"kayleigh are you there?"

"What do you want, Xavier?" Her voice was harsh and to say that it didn't hurt would be the ultimate lie

"You! I want you here with me I couldn't care less about Alpha duties your the sole reason I'm here." I accidentally let slip.

"I want you to but what do you mean I'm the reason your there...... is it because if Ryan?"

"Yes, now I just want to tell you something."

"Go on..." She mumbled.

"I love you and when we get back, I'm going to show you just how a much you mean to me."

" I love you to Avie and Goodnight." I mumbled, wishing I could hold her hand.

"Goodnight my angel." With that the link cut off and I was left with my thoughts, but so in sleep took over finally.


We were waiting at the border and it's now, it's now 3:29 "He's nearly half an hour late." I grumbled, getting impatience.

"He will be here soon, I'm sure of it." As he said this a tall well-built male emerged from the tree line, he had brown messy but styled hair men looked around 6'3 and he had the same deep blue eyes as my beautiful mate which was weird.

"Alpha." I bowed respectfully as he nodded.

"Hello Alpha Xavier please come I'll escort you to my office." I nodded and followed him as did my pack mates as we entered his office he gestured for us to sit and we did/

"So what is the name of the person your looking for?" He asked as he ran his hand through his dark hair.

"His name is Chase White." His head snapped in my direction.

"What did you just say?" He grunted

"I said his name is Chase.... do you know him?" I asked, causing him to laugh.

"Know him?" He laughed "I am him." I was shocked, to say the least, "but the only family I have is dead or doesn't want to see me."

"That isn't true and I'm sorry about Alexa and Jack." He looked at me with a broken expression.

"Jack.... my farther's dead?" He mumbled.

"Yes, he sacrificed his life to save your younger sister when she was just 11 and every day since your sister was locked in an attic beaten, starved, raped and blamed for what happened." I growled.

"What the hell!" He screamed and smashed his fist through the wall, "Who would do that!" He grumbled.

"Ryan" I spat his name with such venom dripping in my voice. His body shook as he was part way shifted. A petite red-haired woman burst through the door and wrapped her arms around his large frame... she must be his mate. When he calmed down he spoke.

"I have to see her meet her to let her know she isn't alone." He whispered.

"Come back with us, I can introduce you." I said, patting him on the back as he left to do so ten minutes later. I can't wait to see her face when she finds out that her brother's alive and well.

We travelled back to our hotel, Chase in tow. I was giving her a family. More so than just me, I grinned as we began our journey home.


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